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apparated to the Ministry first. Each person was given specific instructions of which part of the castle they should handle. Catherine couldn't imagine how terrible the attack must have been, that they recruited more men than she could count.

  She and Greg were given instructions to help the wounded that were said to be collected at the Great Hall. Catherine begged her mind to keep calm. She didn't need the added pressure and the trip back to her nightmares during this time. She needed to be the calm in the storm.

  "The castle has been secured. All we need to do is treat and move students as quickly as possible. Engaging rescue protocol." A man with a very funny looking beard, said at the front, standing on a makeshift podium. "Keep guard, wands at the ready. Members of the Ministry will help you apparate to the school grounds."

  Secured. Which means the raging attack was over. All she had to do was deal with the injured, polish her healing skills and that's all. It's safe... Safe, her brain emphasized. But no matter how many times she recited the phrase over and over in her head, it never sank in.

  Draco was going to be fucking pissed as hell.

  That was another thought that plagued her mind as she felt the jerk of apparition and landed on the entrance of the castle. Maybe Draco doesn't have to know about it. She would come in and out and he would never have to hear a single thing. Only if she could lie to him just a little longer, more than a whole minute would've been good enough.

  But all her anxiety was drained and replaced by another horror as a dementor swiftly appeared at her side.

  She didn't have time to scream as she pulled her wand out at casted a patronus charm, blasting the cloaked devil away. Turning to her left, there was an Auror still battling his way with two death eaters. Greg helped by disarming the enemy and casted a spell that knocked them down. At the sight of them, Catherine could feel the heart threatening to leave her chest.

  "You said it was secured??" Greg screamed, trying to get his voice heard among the blasting sounds of spells being casted and the ruckus.

  "Apparently not!" The Minister that brought us here replied, "Do what you have to do, go!" He instructed. The man left them all to fend for themselves as he ran to help his friends.


  Catherine could feel her hand trembling as it took her great difficulty to keep her wand pointed steady. Her knees wobbled but she willed them to be strong, just until everything was over. She was relieved when Greg grabbed her wrist, maneuvering them through a throng of people fighting and defending. Some laid dead on the ground.

  "Don't look!" Greg instructed her. "We're going to be fine! We have to get to the Great Hall!"

  Her mind wandered to Gabby for a moment. How worried and angry she will be when she found out that Greg went in to the heart of danger, along with her best friend. Gambling their lives once again.

  Catherine was struggling to keep up with him, her shorter legs made extra effort. Her calves burned at the pace and her head was pounding. They had to use the far way around, escaping all the madness. She ducked another red light whizzing her way and ended up burning the wall behind her.

   Another group of dementors appeared in front of them. Catherine counted five, possibly more behind their dark hooded cloaks, ripped across the side. One stared at her, with its empty eye sockets covered with scabs and grim slime. It started to open its sucking mouth ready to take her soul but Catherine closed her eyes. Ready to cast her patronus, but her nervousness made her weak.

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