1. Assassination and rebirth.

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"Sayounara, koro-sensei." The whole class E says together.

"Sayounara,my dear students and congratulations on your graduation." Koro-sensei with his usual smile said those words as his body lifted up in the air and started to disappear.

The whole class shed tears.

That was when-




In a moment of panic, a sniper bullet pierced through Karma's chest as he widened his eyes and fell backwards, though his reflexes kicked in and he quickly grabbed the nearest gun he could find, which was on karasuma-sensei and shot in the direction of the sniper.

*Bang* perfect hit.

"Pff- so they really came." He exclaims with an unnatural smile on his face.

"W-what are you talking about?!"

"What's all this about, Karma?!" Karasuma-sensei quickly called for an ambulance and asked Karma in the midst of the chaos.

"Ehhh... they are people who came here on the pretext of trying to kill koro-sensei but were actually here to kill me, the hier of Akabane's.." the smile on his face was slowly diminishing as he growled

"Those pests. They actually managed to kill me."

"Hey! You aren't dead yet!" His classmates exclaim in panic!

"I'm basically as good as dead." He says ever so calmly, even with his usual smirk as the pain starts to get him.

Shit. I cannot hold on...

The pain becomes more and more unbearable as he starts to feel extremely sleepy.

"Karasuma sensei! Listen to me!" He screams.

"Call XXXXXXXXX and tell them that their beloved son is dead. If they still care, then let them come and take my body. I know I cannot hold on." He says with his signature smile and succumbs to darkness.



Hmm? Where is this?

Wait...why am I seeing all this?

Ahhh...that book...the one Kayano and Nagisa talked about...

But why am I remembering it?


Karma opens his eyes abruptly and finds himself in an unfamiliar place.

What the...

"Why did I remember that novel?!"

He hears a female voice talking to herself in Korean.

"That romance novel I had read because a customer had left it behind.. did I recall it because the princess who gets hanged in it had the same name as me?!?!"

The voice changed from a little doubt to huge panic.

Karma wondered.

These were the exact same lines. From that book.

"Who are you?" He asks in Korean to the female voice.


"HUH?!?! SOMEONE ELSE IS THERE TOO?!" the voice screams..?

Karma tries to look around only to find that he couldn't? He looks down and realises that he was a little child now?

This is troublesome..

"Hmm~ I'm someone reincarnated just like you~ Lee . Ji . Hye ." He says.

"Y-you know me?!Just what the fuck is going on?! First I remember that cliche novel and have the same name as the executed princess and now someone is here beside me saying he's reincarnated like me and knows my previous name too?!?!?!"

yes.. she freaked out.

Haah...she is too much of a clutz..

"First off, seems like we're twins stuck here together.
By the way I'm Karma Akabane, a Japanese. And~ you're Lee Jihye, a part time worker in a cafe in Korea." He says.

This is interesting. Haha..

(Aoi: oh boy he's inflicting mental damage to poor athy...let's switch to her side shall we?)

Athanasia's pov.

Wh-what is this?! Another reincarnated person as my twin?!

The book didn't have such a character at all!

Was he just not mentioned or...

Well... we're both stuck here together I guess...so there's no point in panicking...BUTWHYDOESHEKNOWMYNAME?!?!

Calm down....it may be a coincidence...but-

"I'm Karma Akabane, a Japanese." Huh? A Japanese? But his korean is too impeccable wait-we're talking in Korean here!

"You're a Japanese? I couldn't tell at all with your accent.."
He seemed to be friendly... Maybe having a twin wouldn't be bad..

"Yeah? I can speak a few languages here and there~" he speaks very nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal.

Dude..I only barely know English and korean..

"Well then my younger brother,please take care of me in the future." I say in a smiling voice, truly hoping for a real family member.

"Sure~ we're stuck here anyways~"

(677 words) hehe...this is just for fun so don't expect too much from this story okay?

Well then see ya!

A Second Life..? (A Wmmap X Assassination Classroom Fic)Where stories live. Discover now