Chapter 5 - An Elder Sister's Heart

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I loved my younger brother the most. He, Yozora always followed behind me and called me Big Sis every time I went somewhere. He never let another emotion on his face except a smile. A smile so bright that it never made me feel unhappy even once. He was so innocent.

That innocence of him was my salvation even when our mother neglected us due to her busying her self with work to run away from the fact that father had committed a grave sin. I matured faster than other children so I could understand why Mom would be angry, furious to our father. Because of that, we were left at home, without proper care.

Since I was the elder sister, I tried to take care of my younger brother the best that I could. I was disappointed in our mother's action but did not hate her as she was the one who hurt the most.

It was hard being the older one. However, I had fun learning what our mother would always do to take care of us. Even though I tried to do everything myself, my younger brother still helped me out. In fact, he was even better than me when we cleaned up the house, did the laundry and even cooking. I was proud of him but scared at the same time. I was afraid that he thought of me as a burden.

Nevertheless, that fear melted away when he always smiled and assured me with his pure smile.

Thanks to our neighbor, the family of Yamamoto, we learned how to properly do our chores. If there was one thing I want to complain, it was the daughter, Yamamoto Yua who was strangely attached to Yozora. Since she was the same age as Yozora, I thought it would be good if they could be friends. However, they seemed to be more than friends when I properly watched them.

Nevertheless, when even Yua called me Big Sis with Yozora, I felt like it would not be bad to have another younger sibling.

We three had a very fun childhood at that moment. I felt happy at that time...until that incident happened.

Mom tried to kill Yozora. She choked Yozora with her own two hands while screaming something. I could not hear her as I was very scared. All I knew was I had to save Yozora. Thanks to Miss Ayaka, Mom failed to kill Yozora. However, when Mom had a knife in her hands, I immediately pushed her with my whole body. Mom fell and the knife was on the floor.

I didn't want Mom to have it since she would use it to kill Yozora, so I hurriedly took in in panic.

What I didn't expect was Mom headed to me to take the knife. I was panicked and took a defensive stance with the knife pointed in front of me. I thought Mom would stop but she didn't and my trauma began here.

The knife I took to save Yozora, pierced the very person I wanted to save. The knife went into his back and went out of his stomach. I was totally blank. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The blood continued to flow out of his body. The floor was stained. The very person I loved was the one who I stabbed.

"I'm sorry....for having...this face..."

The body of Yozora fell flat on the floor. Why? Why did he fell there? I didn't understand.

Why, why, why? I don't know.

Those words repeated in my mind. I didn't know anything. The moment I was conscious of my surrounding, I was already at the hospital. Yozora was in emergency ward. For the first time in my life, I felt a great fear in my heart.

No, no, no, no! Yozora can't die! He can't leave me!

Fortunately, he was saved. I wanted to see him immediately but since the doctor said it would be dangerous, I refrained.

However, the next day, Yozora disappeared. Mom and I were devastated. We broke down in tears. We searched for him for so long. We even had to ask police to find him.

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