47 - Again

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"Happy Birthday." Sirius wakes me up by gently pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"This is the calmest way you've ever woke me up," I say tiredly. "What's wrong? Are you dying?"

Sirius chuckles. "No, I tried to wake you up the usual way earlier but you whacked me with your pillow."

"I don't even remember doing that, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." He laughs.

I yawn, stretching my arms.

"So, what've you got planned today?" I ask, knowing that he's most likely got something planned.

"Something." He answers with a smirk.

"Y'know, I'm getting used to you surprising me and it doesn't annoy me anymore."

"Damn, guess I'll just have to find some other way to annoy you." He jokes.

"Well you are pretty annoying, I'm sure you'll find a way." I respond and he pouts at me. "C'mon, don't look at me like that, you know I'm kidding."


"Yeah, I know, I'm the meanest," I say. "But I'm hungry, lets go have breakfast."

Sirius chuckles and we get out of bed. Sirius goes down to make food while I go check on Leo, who was awake. I lift him into my arms.

"Morning sleepyhead." I say to him as he tiredly cuddles into me.

As I'm bouncing Leo in my arms, I hear the fire alarm going off downstairs.

I quickly walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask Sirius.

"The toaster was being a bitch." He answers.


"There was a cloth beside the toaster and the toaster may have set it on fire, no big deal, I put it out quickly."

I sigh amusedly, sitting Leo down in his high chair.

"Well, I always knew you would burn the house to the ground." I joke.

"Yeah, it was only a matter of time." Sirius replies.

"Just be more careful please."

"I will, I promise."

"So, do you need help making breakfast or can I trust you to do it alone and not to burn the house down?" I joke.

"I'm never living this down, am I?" He asks.

"Nope, never."


After breakfast we chill out for a while, then that evening Dorcas and Marlene come round to watch Leo since me and Sirius are going out on a double date with James and Lily.

Sirius and I get dressed up nicely and apparate to the restaurant where we meet with James and Lily. 

I pull Lily in for a hug and we wish each other a happy birthday before we head into the restaurant. We sit down at our table and read over the menu before ordering food and drinks. 

We talk and joke around all through dinner, its an amazing date, we all had fun and the food was great. 


A couple months later, I say goodbye to Leo and Sirius before apparating away to Hogsmeade. I'm meeting up with Alice, Mary, Lily, Dorcas and Marlene so we can have a girls' day. All we're really going to do is hang out a bit and do some shopping, but I've been looking forward to this day for a while.

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