Goofy Friend

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Yeshiva POV

So, Darron and Omar have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to get the house ready for a friend that's coming to visit. He's coming in all the way from New Orleans. He's a bit older, like 33, but they claim he's just as childish as they are if not more.

A knock came on the door and I opened it. There stood a milk chocolate colored man with a low hair cut and a mustache. He had a beard covering his chin. He had full lips and looked pretty attractive. He just wasn't my type. He was kind of short.

"Damn you fine." he said.

I backed away from the door for him to come in.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey man." Darron said as he and Omar walked over to Daniel to greet him.

"Sup man. I see y'all got a fine ass roommate. Damn. I bet you got niggas killing each other over you. Oowee!" he howled as he stared at my body.

"Umm I'm going in my room. Y'all can catch up." I said before walking out.

That nigga was making me uncomfortable.

I got in my bed and decided to face time with Vince. I called and he answered on the first ring. He showed up shirtless. Didn't look like he had on anything but boxer shorts.

"Hey sexy man." I said smiling.

"Hey." he said as he smiled back.

"Your teeth are so white I swear." I said as I shook my head in jealousy.

"Cause I brush my teeth." he said.

"Shut up smart ass." I said with a smirk.

Darron POV

"Man she don't want you. She want me. You scared her off." I said to Daniel as he constantly claimed Yeshiva wanted his short ass.

"Man she just not ready for the d." Daniel said.

"Ew bro. Man chill dude." Omar said.

"Breh." I said before pressing my lips together and then burping loudly.

"So what the fuck's been up?" Daniel asked.

"Drama, drama, and more drama." I said.

"Explain." Daniel said.

"Okay, I want to be with Yeshiva. It's just that I don't know if I'm ready for something that serious. I mean she got a kid. She ain't nothing to play with." I said.

"Man, just go for it. I liked her, but I don't think she was interested in me. So you better take yo chance." Omar said.

A part of me felt bad for Omar. He was a way better guy than I was sometimes. I still can't believe Carla did him like that. She probably miserable now.

Omar POV

I watched Darron go on and on about keeping Yeshiva in the friend zone. I would have wifed her as soon as she decided she was interested in me. That would have been that and it would have just been me and her. That's just because I don't want to sit up and play games like him.

Yeshiva is different from the other girls both of us don fucked with. He over here letting whatever he got going on with Erin and whoever else get in the way of shit. If he don't wife her, somebody else will, and I'm sure it's gon be me.

Yeshiva POV

I walked back into the living room. Vince was coming to pick me up and take me to the movies in four hours. I figured I'd better get friendly with this new nigga. He would probably be around a lot more now anyway.

"Hello again I'm Yeshiva." I said extending my band for him to shake.

"I'm Daniel." he said as he stared me directly in my eyes. "You fine as hell. Let a real nigga get yo number." he said with a smirk.

"Umm I don't even know you." I said.

"Chill Daniel. Man I swear you act like you have no home training." Omar said.

Thanks Omar. Took the words right out my mouth.

"Sorry bout that Yeshiva." Daniel apologized.

"It's fine." I said as I sat by Omar and laid my head on hid shoulder.

I'd have to deal with this goofy nigga until Vince came. I guess I should sit next to the person that actually seems to care about my feelings in this house.

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Luh you all
Columbus Short as Daniel

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