Chapter 9

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"Before things start..I did like to explain about Titans.." said Guren.

And Guren gave a huge lecture on Titans to make them understand and they sure were afraid of this ruthless world. About regeneration power and every things.

Nash dragged William towards a Room.

"It is a surprise!" said Nash.

"Yeah. Yeah. I am coming.." said William as he smiled. He entered Door and froze.

"A-Asta?" asked William.

"Yo William. Has been Four years.." said Asta in deep voice.

"Sit." said Asta. William sat and looked at Asta.

'Huh? Aren't they supposed to be friends?' thought Nash.

"Huh? Mr. Kruger..? Why is you hands bleeding?" asked Nash.

"It's just a cut." said Asta. William sat and looked at Asta.

"I will leave you guys-"

"No. Nash. Stay and Listen." said Asta.

"Just do as says.." said William in fear. Nash nods.

"Why are you here Asta..?" said William.

"Just like you..I had no choice." said Asta

"He is talking about that..sneak plan you explained right? To spy on Clover Kingdom?" asked Charlotte.

"Yes. Willaim has Armored Titan." said Guren.

'Huh? Wait..Asta-san said that He is old friend? How much old? No..Wait..Four Years..Last four year He spended in Clover Kingdom..That means..He is a Devils residing in clover Kingdom..' thought Nash.

"You lied to me. I respected you and you lied to me." said Nash as cried.

"Sorry Nash. I needed your help.." said Asta.

"Those letters...Where did you send those letters!?" asked Nash. William became alerted and looked at Asta.

"They didn't reached by family..But they did reached my comrades.." said Asta as his Leg regenerate. 

"Ne William..Why did my Taker-carer died? Why was Lily eaten by Titan?" asked Asta.

"Sister Lily..was killed?" asked Yuno. Everyone looked Yuno in pity.

"Now I understand..This is revenge.." said Noelle. Everyone looked at her.

"Maybe William-taicho in this world..was somehow responsible for Sister Lily's death..And Asta is taking revenge.." said Noelle.

"Possible. He adores Sister Lily too much." said Yuno.

"Because I broke the walls.." said William.

"You along with..Sylph..and Klaus.." said Asta.


"Why did you break the walls.." said Asta.

"Because It was our mission.."

"What was your mission?"

"To secure Founding Titan and save world.." said William.

"I see. If it was to save world...then I won't make comment.." said Asta.

"You said me back then : I'll make you suffer and die in worst way possible..Isn't that why you have come?" asked William.

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