Rose and Flora

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Rose and Flora

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Rose and Flora

Luella arrived on the floor quicker than the Doctor to see all the dummies are now alive, she muttered lots of swears words under her breathe as she watched a young blonde, back up and trip over a box. She quickly pulls herself up again and backs against a wall and the dummy lifts its arm to strike her.

Rose screws her face up ready for the blow, when Luella grabs Rose's hand. Rose opens her eyes and snaps her head to look at the owner of the hand.

"Run!" Luella screamed as the two females run, just in time, through a fire exit. The dummies are in pursuit and Luella leads her into a lift where the Doctor is stood in, who kissed his bonded's head happy that she's safe and sound.

The doors close on one of the dummy's arms causing the Doctor to pull it off and the doors close as Rose snapped at him, "You pulled his arm off!" Then Rose turns to Luella, "Why did you pull me into a lift with you and this strange man!"

Luella didn't answer her as she rolled her eyes at the full human and the Doctor tosses the arm to Rose and speaks up, "Yep! Plastic."

Rose started asking questions, "Very clever, nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?"

"Why would they be students?" The Doctor asked confused as he looked at his bonded.

"I don't know..."

"Well, you said it! Why students?"

"' get that many people dressed up and being silly... they gotta be students."

The Doctor and Luella share a look as they both share the same thought they like Rose, "That makes sense! Well done."


Luella looked at the girl with a soft look with pity in her eyes, "They're not students."

"Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the police."

The Doctor questioned, "Who's Wilson?"

"Chief electrician."

"Wilson's dead." The Doctor and Luella steps out of the lift and Rose follows the couple as she states, "That's just not funny, that's sick!"

"Hold on!" The Doctor pushes Rose to the side, causing Luella to have to hide her laugh, "Mind your eyes." He disables the lift with his sonic screwdriver.

"I've had enough of this now!" The Doctor and Luella walks off trying to ignored Rose's ranting, "Who are you, then? Who's that lot down there? I said, who are they?"

The Doctor started to rant making Luella roll her eyes at her bonded's behaviour, "They're made of plastic. Living plastic. And they're being controlled by a relay device in the roof. Which would be a great big problem if I didn't have this."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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