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"GUYS, GUYS, GUESS WHAT!!" futakuchi exclaimed to his teammates as soon as he joined them at their lunch table

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"GUYS, GUYS, GUESS WHAT!!" futakuchi exclaimed to his teammates as soon as he joined them at their lunch table. "what?" onagawa asked as he sipped on his peach flavored drink. "i got love chocolates!" futakuchi yelled loud enough that at least four tables looked at him.

"no way...." onogawa said, in disbelief. "yes way! aone saw it first, ask him." he scoffed, looking towards the middle blocker for confirmation. everyone's eyes from the table turned to him as well. all he did was shrug.

"WHAT? YOU- WHAT THE-" before he could continue his sentence, obara chopped futakuchi in his head. "calm down!" he said nervously as he looked at all the people staring at them bicker. "aone, stop lying!"

"i didn't lie. i didn't say anything." he said as he poked around his food. something felt off in him. he couldn't stop thinking back to that moment. it was on his desk. yet, he didn't bother to open it. why would anyone leave that for him? there was no answer to his question; his mind came up blank. but what if?

"alright, i'll show you guys. just a bunch of haters!" futakuchi's hand slowly reached for the gift box that he sat carefully next to him on the bench when he sat down with his teammates. "now in 3.......


1.......... tada !!" he shrieked as he ripped the lid off.

'ooh's' and 'ah's' were to be heard throughout the room as his friends were genuinely impressed with the treats they saw. they were cute, looked delicious, and you could tell they were made with love and effort. all of the eyes of the boys at the table resembled hearts and they began to drool, wanting to taste the marvelous looking desserts that futakuchi held in his hand. even aone was impressed, his mouth slightly parted. yet, it's as if they all had the same thought, at the same time, running through their minds-

'who in their right mind would give these to him? let alone like him?'

"oh.. they're not chocolates.... but see! i told you guys! why wouldn't you believe me!? " futakuchi yet again yelled at his teammates. "of course we wouldn't believe you!! we still don't!! who'd you steal those from!?" one of the other boys shouted. "no oneeeee! come on aone, tell them how i was given these by someone!" everyone whipped their heads to aone so fast, he worried about their necks. aone simply just shrugged, then nodded very slowly to them- not blinking once. "well, that wasn't very helpful... but he still agreed, see!"

aone wouldn't admit this to anyone, not anyone at all, but that hurt. a lot. it hurt to see his friend get the one of the things he wanted most in life- a chance at real love. not something from his family, which they were obliged to do. but even that felt faked at times. he wanted something true. something he knew was for him and for him only. something he could cherish and look back upon. to think to himself as 'the good old days.'

"yeah, yeah. whatever" they all synchronized together with their disbelief in their friend. "oh don't be mad that i'm finally getting the recognition that i deserve with the ladies! you guys are seriously some haters!!" futakuchi smiled as he took a cookie and shoved it into his mouth.

"mmmmm! whoever made these must really love me, huh? do you guys wanna try?" he moaned at the taste of y/n's baking. she made enough for them to try one each and then some. of course, they all said yes and began to dig one- all having the same reaction to the cookies. aone tried one as well, his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head. he really liked red velvet, whenever he had dessert it was either a red velvet, peach, or strawberry dessert. but he couldn't help but look at the covering that came with the cookies, which futakuchi set on the table. they were a turtle print- his favorite animal not futakuchi's.

pandas were his favorite.. if someone liked him and were observing him like you would your crush, shouldn't they know that? does he even really like red velvet?

as aone was in deep thought, a voice suddenly spoke up. "hey man, is that a note? from the girl who made these? open it man!" the rest of the boys agreed with the voice and all said multiple 'yea, yea yea!' as they huddled around the note the best they could to read it with him as well. "well alrighttt, i guess. i feel like im in a k-drama right now!" he slightly giggled, you could see the tint in his cheek rising. futakuchi teased off the packaging as he slid his hand under the bottom to emphasize the envelope- which aone saw had turtles.

"come on, come on! read it already!" they groaned. "okay, okay!' he chuckled as they slowly opened the seal flap and took the note out of it. it was double folded, the actual written part being closed away so he couldn't read it at first. the first thing he saw was the date in the corner, which he began reading out loud for them, "2012-4-24"


his voice trailed off as he saw who the letter was addressed to..


———author's note.
hi guys. sorry for not updating for a long time :/ i just honestly forgot to write and lost the motivation to do it but hopefully that doesn't happen again :) i was gonna have either y/n or her friend come up to the table and say it wasn't for futakuchi to embarrass him LMAO but decided to be nice and let the story continue the way it's supposed to.

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