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'Can you not?' muttered Isaac, giving his sister's feet a decent shove from his desk. Out the corner of his eye from where he looked at his computer screen he saw her middle finger. 'I saw that.'


'Dolor en el culo.'


'Hermana pequeña que tiene relaciones sexules con mi mejor amiga.'

Kayla gave an agitated huff. 'Did you really call me in here for an emergency sibling meeting or am I just meant to sit here watching you work while copping insults?'

'Mm I just called you in to call you insults.' Isaac continued tapping away at the computer, becoming frustrated in his continued search of the rogue pack wanting Roxy and her sister. Kayla gave an agitated groan and sat up from the chair before stomping to the door. 'Hold up! I really do need your help with... something.'

Kayla turned, a curious grin on her face. 'You never ask for help. Call me intrigued.'

Isaac growled and returned to his research. 'If you're going to be smug about it, then forget it.'

'I'm not smug, I am honoured.' Kayla pressed a hand to her chest mockingly as she sat in the armchair across the desk.

Isaac rolled his eyes at the way his sister crossed one leg over the other, clasping her hands in her lap and sat up ridiculously straight. She was mocking him. Was there a brother out there who had a sister that didn't give him the absolute shits? A scar at the base of Kayla's neck, now exposed by the shift of her shirt made him suddenly frown. Then, the pen in his hand snapped, causing black ink to flood over his skin.

Nostrils flaring, he shot up from his chair and glared down at a surprised Kayla. 'What is that?'

Realisation dawned on his sister's face. She cocked her head to the side, exposing it further. Isaac felt bile bubble at the back of his throat. 'What's what?'

'You mated my Beta?' Isaac's teeth grinded so roughly he felt his teeth turning to dust.

'You mean my soulmate? Yes. Because that's what soulmates do, Isaac,' said Kayla slowly.

'Can you stop being a smart arse for five seconds?'

'Can you stop being a possessive dick for two?' Kayla huffed and folded her arms across her chest tightly, her narrowed eyes drilling holes into him.

Swallowing his pride, Isaac lowered himself back down into his chair and set to work on dabbing tissues on the black ink. Kayla sighed and moved around the desk to help him when he only seemed to be smearing it further up his arm.

'I mean this in the most genuine way possible but maybe you need to stop focusing on my relationship and worry about your own.' Kayla frowned as she scrubbed at the ink he'd smeared. 'Tobias and I are a solid – you know he'll look after me. As for you and Roxy...' she tossed the blackened tissues into the paper bin. 'Moon Goddess will be up there right now crying to a mirror because she's torn her hair out from you two.'

'It's complicated,' muttered Isaac.

Kayla rolled her eyes. 'No, you're making it complicated. You've bared your soul to her, let her know about all the skeletons in the Winters' closet and she's still here. How much proof do you need that she'll keep fighting for you no matter what? You're doing more damage sending her all these mixed messages than you did when you rejected her.' Her eyes narrowed. 'Roxy is my best friend Isaac. My only friend nowadays. Stop messing with her heart like it's a trespasser on your territory.'

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