Chapter 21

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I was married.

Aro performed a very traditional Greek wedding, with wreaths and ribbons he fetched from who knew where. He spoke words that felt as old as time and tied our ribbons together with a gleeful expression.

Afterwards he took a step back, placed his palms against each other under his chin and allowed us to retreat through the back door, where no one was waiting. I had no idea if he would announce our wedding to all those who had been sent out, but it didn't really matter. With our Stefana crowns still on our heads, a ring around my finger that had been around Demetri's, probably as long as he had been alive, we hurried through the narrow hallways, laughing and almost skipping. We encountered no one as he led me out of the manor, both of us covered by large gray mantles, and we ran, joyfully.

In front of a large gate, that gave entrance to a house, hidden by a high wall and a row of hedges, Demetri finally halted me. This was it, his house. Our house.

Anticipation flooded my senses and a squeal escaped my lips as he picked me up, opened the gate with a heavy iron key and carried me into our domain. He closed the gate, locked it securely, and continued carrying me all the way to a beautifully crafted front door.

The house was a same sandy colored structure like the other houses in the village, only this one was a lot bigger. Not as enormous as the Volturi manor and even a bit smaller than the hotel-like houses the Cullens and Eleazar's coven lived in. But it was perfect for the two of us. And two of us it would always remain.

I quickly pressed that saddening notion to the back of my brain. One day I would mourn what we would never share, right now I was happy. Beyond happy.

The minute Demetri closed the door behind us, his mouth was crashing into mine. I flung my arms around his neck and didn't let go until the next morning.


We were left alone for a whole blissful week, in which we only moved out of the house to walk in the garden or sit in the sun. I loved the way the light bounced of Demetri's skin in millions of shiny fractals.

As I basked in the daylight, the sixth day of our marriage, I noticed dark rims beneath my husbands eyes. For a moment my own thought distracted me. Husband. Oh I loved that word. But then I looked closely again and asked: "Are you alright? There are bruises under your eyes." It couldn't be because of all the exercise we'd had, right?

Demetri smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing. You have them as well."

"Really?" A little shocked, I ran inside to find a mirror. I hadn't been in front of very much mirrors since I became a vampire. The lovely black-haired young woman staring back at me still looked a bit unfamiliar.

Demetri was right, beneath my own eyes were the same dark rims. "What do they mean?"

From the garden his low voice came soothing: "When was the last time you fed?"

Fed? Oh. The eyebrows of my mirror image shot up as realization dawned. My eyes were dark. I was hungry. The moment that thought crossed my mind, a burn in my throat began to demand attention. Why hadn't I noticed that before?

Behind me Demetri appeared. "I will take you to hunt tonight. After that we are expected back at the great house."

I sighed. It seemed our honeymoon was over. "Why?"

"Aro wants to see us."

Us, not just him. Was that on purpose, did he have a job for the both of us or was it merely courtesy?



I tried to keep my eyes open, but his lips devouring my neck made it difficult.

"Do you think my ... gift can make someone change their mind?"

He made an affirmative hum and moved to my hairline, which made my breath hitch.

"But also ... also, for a longer period of time?" A slight moan escaped my lips as his tongue made circles on the soft spot beneath my ear.

We had discussed my superpower over the past few days, but this question I hadn't dared to ask before. What if I accidentally said something like: forget about it, and he actually did? Irreversible.

He noticed the tension in my body, because he stopped kissing me and looked at me again in the mirror.

"You are afraid you can command me to forget you? Forget I love you?"

I shivered. He hadn't said those words out loud before.

His arms moved around me and held me tight as he whispered, blowing soft tendrils of my hair against my bare shoulder: "Nothing in the world could do that. Not even your superpower."

My eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips against the back of my head. It hadn't actually been my concern whether I would make him forget me. My fear existed in the possibility that I could inadvertently change someone's believes. What if I told Demetri that he had to drink animal blood from now on. I never would, but theoretically. Would my power be that strong? Or would my power only work for a short time? I really had to be careful with my words from now on. Telling someone to stop was just a small thing. Telling someone they could fly and send them off a rooftop would kill them. Or at least hurt them a bit.


I guessed Aro had thought about all that as well and decided I needed to practice my gift far away from him and those he cared for. There was a rumor, so he told, as we arrived in the tower room after we had both fed. Me in the woods, Demetri ... somewhere else. I didn't want to think about it.

"Our enemies in the east have sought to wage war against us for many hundreds of years. This time, the possibility is a bit more substantial, as we get reports from allies."

Was he talking about the Cullens? No, that was west, not east. Who were enemies in the east? Arabia? China? Australia? It all seemed so far away.

"I want you to track our hotheaded Romanians and determine the threat." He looked at Demetri and then over to me. "Use whatever means necessary. And return home safely."

I blinked. He wanted me to go. To Romania. To do what?

Apparently he expected Demetri to fill me in on the particulars, because he waved his hand to dismiss us and went back to the large table that once again lay filled with books.

When we'd first arrived at the manor, after our return from our house, every face we passed had either smiled or smirked, with a few exceptions of contempt or disinterest. It had made me feel uncomfortable to say the least, now I saw nothing.

When we were out of hearing range, the double doors closed behind us, Demetri took my face in his hands and said: "Are you scared?"

I could only nod.

"I thought you wanted to travel the world?"

"Yes, but I didn't think I would have to end wars while doing that", I snapped.

He grinned and shook his head. "She antagonizes the most powerful vampire in the world, yet fears to face a few renegades."

I pouted and muttered: "That's not the same."

His cheeky grin turned into a sweet smile and he moved in to kiss me gently on the lips. "Don't worry, gynaíka mou, the only thing we will have to do, is access the threat and report back. No fighting, no ending wars." He kissed me again and let me go.

I melted a little as he called me his wife. He was right. We only had to go there and see what was going on. Perhaps talk to some people, nothing more. He would easily find those Romanians and I would command anyone to tell us what we wanted to know. What better way was there for me to test my newfound abilities? And we would be together. That was a big plus. Better than having to sit at home, worrying if Demetri was even alive.

"The second we get home, however, you're teaching me to fight."

Demetri straightened a little and nodded once. He smiled at me, but a terrible feeling took root in my stomach. I had just commanded my husband and from the looks of it, he didn't even realize it.

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