Chapter 1

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"welcome back..."

Andrew's POV

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Andrew's POV

"Are you going to talk to me," the man spoke breaking the silence in the car. Just making me look at the road in front of me acting like he wasn't there. "Or are going to keep giving me the silent treatment?" he continued until he stopped and just scoffed.

He's trying to make it seem like I'm being the asshole here. This man or my father told me to pack up my stuff and get ready to move like it was so casual.


I had just come back home from a Friday night game when I heard my parents talking in the kitchen in a calm tone for the first time since before their split. So I decided to interrupt before he got into a heated mess.

"Hey, mom, " giving her a nod and a smile from across the counter, responding with a warm smile before turning to my dad and dropping my expression "Father," I spoke in a cold tone holding a grudge against him even though my mom told me not to and not let their situation screw up my relationship with my dad. "So what is this little meeting about?"  I asked while I got a bottle from the fridge and then closed the door.

They exchanged glances while my dad looked anxious and my mom just signaled him to start talking. Making him clear his throat to start speaking, "I'm moving, " a confused expression took over my face with a slight bit of worry. Maybe he's talking about officially moving out of the house and getting something of his own. Yeah, that has to be it. "I'm moving to Tree Hill in the next week and you'll be joining me." Wait...

"Hell no! What makes you think that I'll be joining you because I'm not. Right, mom?" looking at her thinking she would have my back but by the manner on her face, I  guess she's doesn't. "I'm not going! I have friends here and I am not just going to leave in the school year especially with basketball. You should know this dad!" I exclaimed hoping I would get my point across.


I didn't.

My mom told me that she and dad had set up arrangements before I got there that night. She said that I would get to spend summers with her but I had to spend my school year with my father. I had to say goodbye to all my friends mostly the three I trust anything with the next week. I also had to say goodbye to my mom who was already teary-eyed before we said any words. She told me that she would call every night and to never hesitate to contact her. Giving me a very tight hug and pecked me on the right cheek before letting me go and taking comfort in her 'friend's' arms. At least someone will be able to take care of my mother, unlike a certain someone.

Anyways back to this awkward car ride to my parent's hometown. I guess you can say it's my hometown too but I only vaguely remember three years from it. So I wouldn't really call it home.

"I don't know why you hate the move, you used to love it there." Keywords here 'used to' also I was in the second grade.

Resulting in me rolling my eyes before responding back to him, "Remind me why we're moving here again?" making him take a quick glare at me before focusing back on the road. "Oh yeah, it was because someone couldn't keep his hands off his secretary, " causing him to grip the wheel tighter. "Now everyone you know looks at you in disdain." Guess that triggered his anger issues because the next thing I know we are on the side of the road where he has me pushed up against my door.

"I moved back here because it's what's best for you whether or not you see it! You will never speak to me like that ever again, you hear me?!" making me clench my jaw and nod my head. Before he continued the way to the town like nothing just happened. Ah, the father and son time. He's really moving to Tree Hill because he had to resign from his old workplace , he also hated seeing my mom moving on with her life without him and doing well. He cleared his throat before speaking again, "You get to make new friends and try out for your old man's team." tapped my shoulder while I just kept my eyes on the road with my jaw clenched. "C'mon you can't tell me that doesn't sound good. It's like starting over."

"I don't want to start over. I was fine with everything over there, I had friends and I had a team that was counting on me but I just had to leave halfway through my high school journey to start a new one." I turned to him and he was already glaring at me. To which I sighed and hanged my head down and said, "But maybe it'll be a good move."

That glare quickly turned into a grin. "See that's the spirit!" while turning the volume up on the station. Yup, this is gonna be a long trip.

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"We're here!" my father exclaimed followed by the car door shutting. Making me flutter my eyes open to see a familiar house. It was my grandparent's house which surprised me because the last time I saw it was from the backseat after an argument between them and my father. Guess they left it to him, don't know why since they didn't speak to each other after the fight.

I hopped out of the car and headed to the trunk to get the bags. I wrapped the bag around my arm while I rolled the larger suitcase to the beginning of the steps before picking it up and settled the luggage down until I continued. I walked into the house which was still in good shape. I laid my dad's duffle bag on the couch in the living room then took off upstairs to see my room the same as it was when I left.

I used to stay with my grandparents every weekend just to spend time with them. Also, it would give a free weekend to my parents. I loved spending time with them, they would take me places, share their stories. My grandmother would let me help her while she was baking and grandfather would bring out his old car so we could work on it together. I miss them. Damn ok enough of the waterworks.

I see a bed. After all this, I think I deserve a good night's rest. I dropped my suitcase near the doorway and walked to the bed and collapsed on it. The next thing I know I'm knocked out cold.

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