Chapter 11

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All For One: My empire has crumbled! The only good thing is Kyudai Garaki wasn't found out. I have to start rebuilding my influence on Japan. That will be difficult now that the world knows about me. Fear of the death penalty will keep several would be allies from swearing allegiance to me. I'd have to make a big move to dissuade that fear. U.A. Had the gall to announce the sports festival would happen in two weeks. That would be an excellent opportunity to show the world what happens when you cross the king. If only my body was in a better condition. I can function fine for a short while with my life support helmet, but that's with all my self healing quirks working with it. If Eraser Head were to cancel my quirks, I would surely die. I can't risk a confrontation with him. Not when I don't have a worthy successor. Since the doctor is safe perhaps I should follow through with a suicide mission for Shigaraki? Yes I'll have him and Kurogiri spy on Eraser Head. If Shigaraki gets a chance to kill him, I'll be able to attack the sports festival myself. If he doesn't get that opportunity I can always have Shigaraki attack the sports festival for me. I believe I was able to figure out Killer Queen's quirk. I think he can make and control an explosive gas. That could explain the unnatural speed he shoots those marbles, he uses compressed gas to fire them at high speeds, the gas would cling to the marbles and he could detonate them at will. It could also explain what happened with the Todoroki child, his ice would have lowered the temperature of the gas possibly increasing it's weight, making Izuku have to use tank treads to move it, and once Endeavor's child used his fire he detonated the gas himself. This makes the most sense with the information I have. I don't believe this quirk is a true threat to me. It's a shame it's the kind of quirk that requires you to master it, It's of no use to me. I should contact Kurogiri and have him and Shigaraki get started.

The next day

Kyoka: Are you sure about this Izuku?

Izuku: Of course I am! I'm really grateful that you're helping me at the cafe Kyoka! But we do need to get you some work clothes. There's nothing wrong with your U.A. Uniform but I don't want it getting ruined.

Kyoka: I just don't know about this though. Will I even look good in it?

Izuku: Of course you will Kyoka! You're beautiful! And what you wear won't change that!

Kyoka: Thanks Izuku! You're always so supportive.

Izuku: You're the supportive one Kyoka. I don't know what I would have done without you. You really are my hero!

Kyoka: Izuku.

???: Um we're really sorry to interrupt your date, but we really need to talk to you Killer Queen.

Izuku: Well it better just be to talk, if you put Kyoka in any kind of danger, a trip to the hospital will be the least of your worries Tenko Shimura.

Kurogiri: I assure you we're not here to cause any trouble.

Shigaraki: That's right! We just want to talk!

Izuku: Alright then. Sorry our little date has to end Kyoka. Maybe this will make up for it a bit.
Izuku gives Kyoka a tender kiss on the cheek.

Kyoka: *giggles* That more than makes up for it Izuku, besides getting to see you do some hero work is awesome!

Izuku: Thanks Kyoka. Well let's all have a seat and talk. I assume you want to talk about you getting absolved of your crimes right Tenko?

Shigaraki: Yes but I want you to absolve Kurogiri too!

Izuku: Hmm first let's see if I can help you first okay? I know you're father was abusive to you for wanting to be a hero. Then your decay quirk manifested and you accidentally killed your family, now I'm sure that everyone was an accident except your father, but given the abuse and the mental strain of seeing everyone you cared about dying by your own hands as a four year old we can easily work around that. What I need to know is did you murder your next victim of your own accord, or did All For One trick you into killing them?

Shigaraki: T-the next person I killed was homeless like me. He beat me up and stole my spot, but I didn't hurt him I just left! But than All For One started twisting my thoughts, I went back and killed him.

Izuku: That's what I figured happened which is why I said I could absolve you. Now I need to know your warpers circumstances to know if there's anything I can do to help.

Kurogiri: My name is Kurogiri, I'm the first experimental high end Nomu. I was made to obey all orders from All For One and Shigaraki, but the damage I received from you broke that control. It also made me remember the memories from this body, it's from a hero called loud Cloud or Shirakumo Oboro.

Izuku: Hmm if that's the case we should be able to help both of you, if you're comfortable I'll call Azure Star and we can go to his agency together and work out the details.

Kurogiri: That's fine with me, what about you uh Tenko?

Tenko: I'm fine with that since they'll help you too.

Izuku: Okay give me a minute. Alright he's on his way.

After a few minutes

Toya: Hey Izuku Kyoka good to see you two! I'm glad you two came in on your own, that will make things go smoother. Let's go to my car and get moving.

Tenko: I-I'm surprised you came in civilian clothes, I was certain you'd come in full hero with police.

Toya: That's for villains, from what I've heard from Izuku you two are victims, so there's no reason to be heavy handed here.

Kurogiri: Thank you.

At the Azure Star hero agency

Toya: Alright Izuku has already sent me everything he had on you Tenko, and we've got your statements confirming and filling in the gapes. And Kurogiri has given us his statements, once the blood work comes in to confirm your bodies identity we'll be able to get the ball rolling for you Kurogiri. Now once everything is finished you've asked to be documented as Kurogiri Shimura, and you wish to be Tenko Shimura's father right?

Kurogiri: Yes if that's possible that's what I want.

Toya: Are you fine with this Tenko?

Tenko: Yes this is what I want too.

Toya: Alright we'll make it happen. Now we need to talk about your living arrangements, until you both get absolved and your free to go you'll have to stay here at my agency. Afterwards you'll be free to live wherever you want. Now this offer I'm about to give you is optional, there's a good chance All For One has another warp type quirk since he was able to change the cloud quirk into warp gate. We'd like to put a tracker in both of you for your safety. This would also quiet down the some of the naysayers.

Kurogiri: If it will keep Tenko safe I'm fine with that.

Tenko: If Kurogiri's fine with it so am I.

Toya: Alright we'll get that ready for you. Now after living arrangements we need to find a way for you two to make a living. Now I know Tenko wanted to be a hero, would you two be interested in being my sidekicks?

Tenko: I'd like to for my sister, but there's no way my quirk could be used for hero work.

Izuku: while it's true your quirk is too dangerous for combat it could be used for rescue work similar to Thirteen. You could also help with raids, silently breaching walls so other heroes could safely enter the building.

Tenko: R-really? Rescue heroes were what me and Hana wanted to be.

Toya: Well you've got a chance now, you'd have to get some counseling and some training, but I'd gladly cover the costs.

Kurogiri: That is most kind of you, do you want us to go back to our hideout so All For One doesn't get suspicious?

Toya: No you'll be staying here where it's safe, we'll get a raid team together and hit the wear house he's at today. We won't put you in any unnecessary danger.

Tenko: Thank you for believing and helping us.

Toya: That's what heroes are supposed to do.

Author notes

Sorry for the short chapter this weeks been worse than the last. Hopefully you're all doing well, til next time bye.

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