In The Beginning...

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It is believed that the lands of Ohm was created by death himself.

Long before mortals ruled the surface world, and before the oceans and rivers cut through what remains today, the future rested in the claws of The Ancients. Unshaped, unformed, and untamed, they were woven by the threads of a thousand stars to be perfectly just and unique in nature. But what they bore in flesh they lacked from within. They were unhinged, unkind, untrustworthy...


Without natural order, chaos reigned. Greed became a way of life. Not long after succumbing to their primitive ways, The Ancients resorted to one goal: control.

And war was born.

The battles were ruthless. Some chose to flee. Others clashed with reckless abandonment. The dead formed mountains, their skins turning to grass. Their blood became the seas and their bones, jagged and torn, dusted into deserts of woe. The rumble left earthquakes and typhoons to rip what remained apart, until there was nothing left to call home.

The world ended before it had even begun... Until something miraculous happened.

Kantar The Great, a massive dragonic ancient, had foreseen the greed of his siblings before the fight. He studied the fears that they carried, and the hate in which drove them out of existence.

Only he sought to vanquish it.

To save Ohm, the last remaining strip of land, he drew his hearthstone into his claws, and formed a powerful rune only known as Katakos. The rock spread its energy to renew those that were still alive, and removed the darkness in way for magic.

But it all came at a grave price.

Kantar perished not long after. Some say his sacrifice was celebrated by many. Other stray to ignore it. But he was honored, no doubt, and those ancients who sought him used the remains of his hearthstone to produce their spawn. The Sea birthed sirens, serpents, krakens, and fish, while Earth blessed Fairies, Gryphons, and Giants of life. An arrogant Spiritual brought mankind, to tend to and study. And as for dragons (fire, earth, wind, sea, and storm), they were fabled to erupt from the last drop of Kantar's dying hearthstone.

As years passed, many turned away from these celebratory means. Kingdoms rose, and kingdoms fell. Regimes flourished, and Empires crumbled. Blood-ridden wars came and fled time and time again. Katakos became lost. And the lives and virtues all creatures held began to twist into the old, dark ages once more.

The last of Ohm's damnation remained in the dragons, who still carry Kantar's legacy throughout the many changes riddling Ohm. After thousands of years, nothing seemed to break the bonds that make them draconic, let alone those that tied their faiths to Kantar. They believed that, in due time, all good things will return to fruition, and life will go on as he had promised it to be.


And then, a prophecy was born.

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