Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Dusk had finally crested over the tips of the mountains. Artemis and I had left the safehouse a half hour before, running further into the woods so I could practice with my powers once again.

I had been a little reluctant to leave as Valen and Von had not returned yet, but Artemis assured me that they were safe. I had shrugged off my worries and followed her into the darkness.

Once we found a small clearing near a trickling stream, we decided to shift from wolf form to human.

"Are you sure we shouldn't practice in wolf first?" I asked her.

"The only time I've been able to use my abilities when I'm human was when Aunt Maddie was killed." Artemis gave me a stern look.

"We'll do both, but we need to know if you can control it in human form as well." I pursed my lips but didn't reply.

She had a point. I couldn't go flying off the handle and using my powers willy-nilly in human form. I could seriously hurt someone.

"So, where do we start?" she questioned. I shrugged.

"I've been able to manipulate the weather, fire, wind, and earth. The only time I've had real control over it was when I was practicing with the others, or when Moonlight was prowling the territory."

"Well, if that's the case, why don't we start slow. Try beginning with the one that feels the easiest to control." She gave me a smile of encouragement, then stepped back to let me concentrate.

I thought for a moment, before deciding that the wind would probably be my best bet. I closed my eyes and listened.

I could hear the faintest rustling of the leaves and the whisper of the air as it passed through the pine branches above.

I took a deep breath and concentrated hard, trying to envision the wind bending to my will. For a few moments, nothing happened, until I heard that soft, celestial voice again.

"Indigo," it whispered. I kept my eyes closed, but shifted my focus to it.

"Indigo, you have to let me in. I can help you. Feel the light surrounding your being. Feel the pull that guides you to the moon."

I clenched my eyelids together tighter, and realized I could feel the familiar wisps of the tendrils connected to my back.

"Good, my child. Now let my light surround you."

I wasn't sure exactly what that meant, but I clenched my fists and exhaled a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

Suddenly, a warm, euphoric feeling engulfed my body. I shivered at the magnitude of it, and when I opened my eyes, I could see everything much more clearly than I ever had before.

Sienna purred with pride in my mind. I blinked and realized I could not only feel the slight breeze, I could see it.

It was almost translucent, with a sparkling edge that wavered and danced along everything it touched. The light would pass through it and bend as it did, throwing brilliant facets of color in all directions.

I held out my hand toward it, and felt it's cool grasp on my skin. I curled my fist and the breeze stilled, forming a vibrating ball in front of me.

I glanced back at Artemis and registered a look of confusion on her face. I don't think she could see what I was seeing, and I'm sure I looked like a lunatic with my hand raised in the air.

I smiled to myself and uncurled my hand again, before waving it gently toward her.

The breeze followed and swirled around her ankles, before traveling up her body and tangling around her blonde curls. Astonishment replaced her previous expression, as her jaw fell to the floor.

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