finding proof

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Principal office

P:what's the matter why you guys fighting that too infront of my office

H: he hit me sir

Ab: you deserve all of it (glaring him)

H: look sir he is not even student of space his just creating trouble here

P: that's right who are you if not student here

N: he is my brother sir we are here to complaint

P: for ?

Abhi shows him notice board screenshot and that video

Principal was shocked

P: what nonsense is this

Ab: sir someone intentionally did this it's all fake

H: oh really all college knows how manik is and this Nandini might be his new chick

Abhi again going to hit him but Nandini hold his hand and pleaded with his eyes not to fight

Abhi just closed his eyes and try to suppress his anger

P: stop it harshad who are you to decide don't forget you're in principal office maintain discipline one inappropriate word and you will get the punishment

Ab&N: (seeing principal support them little better about situation)

P: so tell me who can do this did you have any suspicions on anyone

Ab:it's him sir (turn towards harshad)

Even harshad is ready for this situation sit with calm

H:what ? Me? (With putting finger on him)

And starts his drama with fake shocked face

H: just because i said truth and have a fight with you outside you put blame on me

H: please believe me sir I'm innocent in this matter he just speaking nonsense why will I do it

N: shut up she shouted

N:just shut don't (she standup with anger and angey red eyes)

N: stop this drama you did it(she said it with all the hatred she has for him)

H:oh really I'm doing drama may be you're doing drama even i can say it or you did it yourself to gain attention and popularity and now want sympathy too

That's it Nandini lost her patience and shouted again'

N:you bloody first try to molest me and when I got saved you do this cheap revenge game

(She was breathing fire but abhi just hold her hand that stop her from slapping this basterd)

N:sir I'm saying truth he try to molest me yesterday he even beat manik that day his friends were also included in this matter please believe me sir

H:shutup stop your drama if you are saying truth then why didn't you complaint yesterday only

Tell me why will wait?

N: because i was in trauma she says glaring him

H:ok then didn't anybody sees me molesting you do you have any proof against me huh? Tell me , you are a lier

N:manik saved me he is the eye witness sir

H: wow great pehle dono ne kand Kiya ab chupane ke liye mujhe bakra bana rahe ho

Ab: Harshad 😡

H: what pura clg janta hai manik words can't be trusted here sir he is also trapping me

P: what you mean

H: sir as you see the video they both are culprits and wanted to blame on me because everyone knows me and manik are rivals and you know about fab5 reputation

Even principal get confuse which one is saying true because fab5 track record is bad and manik always misused his mother being trusty

P: Nandini do you have any other proof?

N: sir even cabir was there and other friends of harshad had fight in back side of corridor you can see there conditions and ask all of them

P: okay let's check

All go to the that isolated area
But to their shock all items are perfect
The room is also clean

Harshad gives evil smirk to Nandini

N:sir he did this he removed proofs sir call him friends they all are beaten up by cabir and manik

H: sir she's just wasting our time i did nothing (with fake innocence)

P:let's check  cctv everything will be clear

Harshad's face lost his colours

H : sir what's the need we already see it here there is nothing happened

P: did I ask you I'm principal here i will decide

Nandini and abhi hopefully turn to security rooms that everything will be sorted after that

Security room

Security guard: good morning sir

P : show as the yesterday's footage at the last corridor

SG: yes sir

But luck is on the side of Harshad this time the camra towards corridor is damage and nothing shows

P : what's going on

SG : sir that camera has some default screen is all blank

P: what were you doing then can't you inform this and replace

SG : sorry sir

P: okay show the other camara footage near corridor (even principal believe Nandini she look innocent and scholarship student and really try to find evidence against culprits but he can't do that without proofs)

The camara shows nandini running and after her manik is running and try to catch her

H: look sir I'm telling the truth I'm not there only manik nandini at fault

Abhi: sir you find who put that posters may me camera catch that person (he said looking at Harshad)


But to their dismay nothing is there even night recording where deleted

SG: sir somebody deleted nights recording

P: how? Where did you at that time are we paying you for sleeping here you idiot ( even he is frustrated with all this)

H: look sir now manik delete all the recording too because he did all of these its just a cheap publicity stunt to become popular in college

N: shut up even you know I'm saying truth only and why will manik damage his reputation on his own

Turning towards principal

N: trust me sir he did all of it

P: without proofs i can't help you nandini

N: he damage my reputation sir please Don't leave him (with helpless tears)

P: i really want to help beta but there is nothing against him not even a single proof (pitty for her)

Harshad is just laughing at his victory in mind

H: can I go sir (with wicked smile)

P: yeah yo

M: what's the hurry look who's here
.itni bhi kya jaldi hai
Comment karo bye bye

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