Bonus chapter- long+smutty

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Emily's POV

The day of the wedding has finally arrived. These past few months I was more excited than ever for this special day and I can't believe it's finally here.

Looking back at everything that has happened in my life, I realized working at the café was the best decision I made. Thanks to the place I hated, I met the love of my life and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

Preparing the wedding wasn't a big deal. Matteo did most of it and put his whole heart into it. Most of the time I laughed my ass off watching him being excited to marry me. But sometimes I looked at him and wondered if it's the right thing to do.

He isn't destined to fall in love, much worse he shouldn't. The mafia is a dangerous lifestyle, if you could call it that.
Matteo was always so sure to not let emotions lead his path or not let anyone know his weak spot.

This marriage will show every enemy he has, that I am his weak spot. Well, after the gala everyone knows how much I mean to him and that's scary.

Of course he ensured me nothing will happen and he wants this as much as I do. But what if one day he'll wake up and regret ever meeting me?

I don't think I'll ever stop worrying or overthinking. It's a part of my life and who I am. And that's kind of beautiful. Why do I overthink things or worry so much? Because there are things and people that are important to me.

Knowing that, I can accept fighting against that nasty inner voice for the rest of my life. Sometimes more and sometimes less.

Today, however, thinking too much is not an option. This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life and nothing or no one can take that away from me.

I was standing inside a house in the forest, which Matteo and his parents owned. It wasn't far away from the lake where he  proposed to me. While I was staring in the mirror, I couldn't help to suppress a smile. The beautiful white wedding dress and veil, the perfect makeup and the necklace Matteo gave me when he asked me to be his girlfriend. All those things make me feel beautiful and confident. Everything is perfect, just like I hoped it would be.

A soft knock on the door tore me out of my thoughts.

"Enter.", I said and turned my attention towards the person stepping inside the room.

"Damn, you're gorgeous. If I were gay I would marry you too.", Amy giggled. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, I am. Did you see Matteo today?", I asked while fidgeting with my fingers.

"I did and he looks hot as hell. Of course he can't compare to Cristian but you picked the right man for you."

"I know.", I whispered to myself.

"Should I get his mother? The wedding is starting soon and you have to get your cute butt down there", Amy said, pointing in the direction of the lake.

After I nodded, she went out of the room and closed the door.

My last minutes before I'm official married. Matteo will be my husband for the end of our lifetime.

A few minutes passed while I was practicing to walk without falling down. I have to admit that my biggest worry is to trip, especially over my wedding gown, and fall down in front of everyone.

As I was getting more confident with my walking practice, the door opened again and Matteo's mother entered the room. She approached me with a big smile and pulled me into a hug.

"You look lovely. I'm glad to be able to call you my daughter-in-law soon."

"Thank you so much. Literally, for all of you kindness these past few months."

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