prologue: so it begins

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"In UTS, we do not see age as an individual's hindrance towards his or her pursuit of knowledge, thus, it is with great pride that the University of Toronto Schools welcomes Miyu Victoria Hashimoto into our institution; at a tender age of 6, Miyu will be our youngest student this coming Fall 2001."

"Coming this mid-June, Toronto child prodigy, Miyu Hashimoto — born on the 24th of March 1995 to a Japanese father and a Spanish-Filipino mother who landed in Canada as immigrants in 1997 — will beat Michael Kearney's world record as the youngest person to ever graduate from college. It was as vivid as day when the youngster chose to take the medical path two years ago after completing high school in just a year. The University of Toronto have released a public announcement in the month prior that Hashimoto, at 9 years old, was to graduate along with the students of Batch 2004. The university will be conferring two bachelor degrees to the child prodigy."

"The University of Toronto — Temerty Faculty of Medicine has confirmed earlier this year, 2004, that Miyu Hashimoto, the notable child prodigy originally from Sapporo, Japan, will be pursuing her medical education in the famed institution right after her college graduation; opposite of people's thoughts that Miyu would take a gap year. Although not yet confirmed, Hashimoto, for the first time, will allegedly skip the fast-tracked pace and complete medical school in four years just like everyone else."

"Months after Miyu Hashimoto, aged 19 back then, finally decided to part ways with education after her final stint with University of Toronto's Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Fellowship, it didn't take long until her reputation as a doctor skyrocketed in the medical field. As of this year, 2014, it had been speculated that Miyu had finally accepted a place to be one of Toronto Cricket, Skating, and Curling Club's resident physicians. More to come in the upcoming news."

"I can't believe I'd be working with such a highly-acclaimed individual despite her young age!" I hear a high-pitched voice squeal as I am walking towards my office.

Hearing the same voice as I did, the woman walking beside me chuckled, "Seems like there are a lot who still haven't gotten over your prodigy days."

I gave her a brief glance, "I guess so, Jess."

She knew how I hated talking about those days as I have made it clear during our first meeting and my sentence alone made her laugh a few decibels higher, quieting the squealing at the end of the corridor.

Jess is the chief therapist of Toronto Cricket, Skating, and Curling Club; she had been in the position for six years now. The woman had this motherly vibe which made me feel comfortable with her as soon as I had my first day here last week.

Rounding the corner, I was met with a young female who was looking at the framed news articles on the mini gallery near my office which contains my accomplishments and what-not. Turning her head, her expression changed as if she saw a ghost upon seeing Jess and me, recognizing me from the headshot photo that was also placed in the gallery.

The woman looked around my age; I'm not quite sure if she's older by half a year or full year than me but I guess that's not too important. It isn't my style to pry into other people's business... and I have no time to do that anyway.

The unknown woman suddenly bowed and stuttered, "G-good morning! I'm the new student physical therapist on volunteer, I hope we get along."

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