༄ 5. The First Dream

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(AN: This whole chapter is what Aristia dreams about. She has the ability to see the future when she dreams. Since this chapter is only about her dream this chapter will be kind of short. In the future she will have more dreams so that's why this chapter is called The First Dream)

WARNING! The first scene has some verbal and physical abuse scenes. If you're not comfortable with it I'll draw a line like this
————————————————————————from where you can read.

Aristia POV

"Hmm? Where am I? What time is it?"

"I hope Tori-nii isn't worried about me"

"No one's going to search for you little fox" whispered someone in my ear.

When I heard the voice my eyes widen.

3rd POV

It was 'him'. The one she's scared to death for. It was Sohma Akito, God.

Aristia tried to escape from him but all efforts were in vain when Akito hit her with a vase. He hit her on her head. But Aristia tried to shield her head with her arms.

The vase broke into pieces and hurt Aristia's arm in the process.

"NO! YOU USELESS FOX. YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE ME! YOU AND THE OTHER ZODIACS WILL STAY BY MY SIDE FOREVER! he screamed at her. Akito continued to slap her when he saw she almost fainted.

Aristia became scared. She wanted to run away but she couldn't disobey his words.

Akito continued to slap and hit her.

"P-please s-stop A-Akito-sama" she cried. Akito threw her on the floor and walked away.

"The world is painted black Aristia, there's nothing good about it. Also don't try to escape. You'll always stay by my side, that's your fate for being cursed by the fox spirit" Akito said smiling before he closed the door.

(AN: You can read for now on)

When she was alone Aristia cried. She cried her heart out. She knew no one would help her even is she screamed for help. She saw no hope anymore.

Even though she knew what Akito said was wrong she believed his words, Gods words.

When she thought all her hope vanished she saw something bright in the distance.

She didn't know what it was but she got a feeling that it called for her so she ran to it.




The light became brighter when she came closer to it. She took her hand out to reach for it.

The light was too bright for her eyes to see. She shielded her eyes a bit with her hands.

There she saw a girl with long brown hair.

She couldn't see her face but what she could tell from her appearance was that she has a warm and loving aura.

The long brown haired girl approached Aristia and hugged her. 'It feels so warm' she thought. The fox girl got tears in her eyes. She hugged the brown haired girl back an cried.

'I've never felt something like this'

After Aristia was done with crying the long brown haired girl broke the hug. She gave Aristia a kind and warm smile.

'She feels like a mother I've never had' is what she thought.

Aristia was never close with her adoptive parents. She was only close with the other Zodiac signs so she never felt the feeling of being loved by a mother or father.

It was a different kind of love than friendship. It feels more like home.

The long brown haired girl tried to walk away but she stopped when she saw a crying Aristia.

"Wait! Where are you going? Will I meet you again?!" Aristia screamed desperately.

The long brown haired girl smiled at her. "Don't worry" the girl said. Her voice was so soft, loving and full of warmth.

"We'll meet each other soon in the real world" she continued and walked away.

After she left, Aristia saw something she didn't think she would ever see in her whole life.

Before she could clearly see what it exactly was she heard something breaking.

Aristia opened her eyes and woke up. She went to a nearby mirror and saw tears on her cheeks.

"This is the first time I've ever felt something like this" she mumbled and wiped her tears away.

Aristia was deep in thought about her vision and had many questions that she wanted to ask. 'Who was that girl and why did i dreamt of her?'

'But more importantly'

'How is she connected to the Sohma curse?'

788 words
(AN: Thank you all for reading this chapter~!!! I really appreciate it! Please vote and comment! I'll see you all in the next chapter~ Stay safe and healthy~!!! Lots of love from your dear author-san <3 )

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