Son of Stark at a Safehouse

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Peter is Tony's bio son, he's 12, post-spiderbite but hasn't actually become SpiderMan yet - Tony and him are still trying to figure his powers. Peter still has glasses, during Age of Ultron. 

Also, try saying the title five times fast lollll

Third Person POV

The Avengers waited patiently in the quinjet as Clint flew them somewhere. Natasha seemed to be the only one who was in the know and no matter what the other four teammates said, she wouldn't budge or tell them anything. "It's Clint's secret to tell! Not mine," she would say. 

So, this made all the Avengers - really just Tony - extremely curious on what he was hiding. He spent the rest of the ride, trying to figure out what was happening. 

He had come to the conclusion that the only reason was that Barton had a family but then again, Tony didn't think that was it. Why would Clint hide something that big from them?

And so, when Clint parked the quinjet in the middle of nowhere with a little farmhouse in view, Tony become extremely dumbfounded. He was never wrong before, but this was getting a little out there. 

Clint led them inside the house and they were met with a pregnant woman who kissed Clint on the lips. "This is an agent," Tony mumbled to himself. 

Two kids, a boy and a girl, came and hugged Clint as they laughed as he picked them up, kissing them on the cheeks. 

"Smaller agents?" Tony murmured to himself causing Steve and Bruce to let out a small laugh.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" the girl asked, looking at her father (?) with her eyes shining with excitement. 

"Auntie Nat? Of course Natshalie knew about this," Tony said under his breath

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Nat said, holding her hands out in a hug motion. The two kids 

"We have a lot to explain, come into the living room," Clint said, leading his friends to the living room, Natasha holding the girl, Sabrina - Tony thought the girl looked like a Sabrina - and Clint holding the boy, Mark - Tony thought he looked like a Mark.

"Fury helped me set this up a couple years back, just in case, y'know?" Clint explained and to everyone's surprise, Tony subtly nodded. 

"Anyways, this is my lovely wife Laura Barton and my two kids - Lila, who's eight and Cooper, who's five. And then, a baby on the way," Clint continued, gesturing to each person. 

Tony nodded, "Nice family you have here Katniss," 

"Thanks, Sta-Tony," Clint replied, surprised. 

Tony smiled and then started fidgeting with his watch, extremely nervous. "Hi, I'm Steve," Cap said, talking to Clint family. 

Introductions continued as Tony stared at his watch as if waiting for a message. An extremely thin layer of stress sweat had appeared on his forehead, so subtle that you have to stare to even notice it. He kept wringing his hands out and playing with his hair - a nervous tic he had. 

Once everyone was situated and comfortable, Laura came into the living room where her kids, husband and the Avengers were from the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. 

"There's a phone in the kitchen that anyone can use" Laura said even though no one had much of a family, Thor's was on Asgard, Natasha was apart of Clint's, Bruce didn't really have a family since he had no siblings and his parents died, Steve's family was dead and Tony's parents were dead. 

But to everyone's shock, Tony almost leaped out of his seat and said "Do you mind if I use it real quick, my phone broke during the fight,".

"Uh, yeah, of course!" Laura said, leading Tony to the kitchen. "Lila, Cooper? Come, let's go to your room for a second," Laura said after Tony had the phone. The two kids were reluctant but came with their mom regardless. 

"Hello?" Tony said, all the Avengers were listening, very curious to whom Tony was talking to you. 

"Is he okay? How is he? Is he hurt? È VIVO? (IS HE ALIVE?)" Tony asked rapidly, extremely stressed and panicked. 

He waited as he listened to the other person, "CHE COSA?! (WHAT?!)" He hissed into the phone

The team heard an indistinct voice telling Tony something, "Cosa intendi con "il suo braccio è rotto" e "aveva bisogno di punti"? sta bene? Happy sta bene? (What do you mean "his arm is broken" and "he needed stitches"? Is he fine? Happy is he fine?)" Tony said in rapid Italian, something he only did when he was worried. 

"Can you understand him Nat? Clint? Thor?" Steve asked 

"Nope, Italian is one of the few languages I don't speak," Natasha replied as Clint said "Same"

"My Allspeak is working except that Stark is speaking way too fast for me to properly understand. I have understood the following words: 'broken', 'fine' and 'what'. But that is all, mortals. I am sorry," The team nodded, trying ti figure out what Tony was talking about. 

"Casa colonica nel Missouri occidentale. Portalo qui, presto (Farmhouse in Western Missouri. Bring him here quickly!)" Tony said

The person talked to Tony and then Tony hung up with a quick "Bye, thank you." Tony walked back into the living room, ignoring the team's weird glances. The Avengers quickly got over the confusion and they started talking to each other, slowly becoming more and more relaxed. 

About ten minutes later, the sound of a plane could be heard. All the Avengers got their weapons out but Tony stood up and started smiling while he nervously ran a hand through his hair. 

He ran out the door and waited outside, barely seeing the team's looks of confusion. 

The team followed him outside to meet with a muscular man with a small beard, helping a skinny but muscular kid out of the small, private plane. 

"Peter! Bambino!" Tony said in a whisper. He ran toward and scooped the boy up in a hug and then hugged the man, the Avengers knew as Happy.

"Oh my gods, are you okay? What the hell happened?" Tony asked once he put the boy, Bambino (?) down. 

"I was reading my books in my room when the robots attacked. I hid under my bed right before the explosion happened - like something told me to - but a piece of the cement landed on my leg which broke it. It's almost healed, like two or three days and I'll be all better. I somehow got a deep cut on my left side, a couple days and that should be fine. And I stinkin' broke my glasses!" Peter (?) explained, showing off his crutches, then a cut about 20 centimetres long on his left side and then showing his broken glasses that were being held by a piece of duct tape. 

Tony hugged the boy again then kissed his forehead, mumbling something under his breath, "Love you too, Pops" the boy wheezed into Tony's clothes. 

"Thank you so much Happy" Tony said, practically falling into Happy's arms. 

"No problem Tones," Happy replied

"Come on, let me introduce you to them," Tony said

Peter nodded and Happy pressed a button on a remote he had which closed the plane doors. 

"Team! This is my son, Peter Benjamin Jarvis Stark!" 


I'm baaaaaaaaack! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm planning on ending this book soon so I can enter it in the Wattys2021 but there will be another book published for everyone who will read it. It's gonna be called Marvel Oneshots. I'll tell you when it's up. 

- Riya

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