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"Amir stop it!" Naala screamed as he trashed their bedroom. When he came home, anger took over him.

"Naala move before I break your fucking neck," Dave breathed heavily.

"He's your son, he'll always be yours," Naala cried,

"You really made me believe that was my son for 6 years?" Dave asked in disbelief, "You hate me that much?"

"I didn't lie to you, I've never lied to you," Naala replied walking closer to him.

"Is he my son, yes or no?" Dave questioned looking at her.

"I don't know," Naala cried. "I think he is but I-I don't know now," Her head was scrambled, she couldn't think straight.

"Yeah Naala get the fuck out of my way," Dave shook his head. "6 fucking years Naala,"

"Wait Amir please just listen to me," Naala said holding her hands out. "I'm telling the truth I don't remember," She admitted. She started to cry profusely and rub her forehead,

"I don't remember," Naala sobbed. "I don't understand what's happening right now, everything is hazy - I can't think straight," Saint's accident triggered something in her.

"You've been taking your meds?" Dave huffed, angry or not this was still his wife.

"I think so," Naala sniffed. She started pacing and mumbling incoherent words.

"Love sit down," Dave sighed throwing his bag to the floor.

"No you're gonna leave me but I need you, I can't do this without you," Naala sobbed.

"Is he my son?!" Dave shouted making her jump. Her crying was making him angrier.

"I don't know Amir," Naala replied with tears streaming down her face.

" You're really gonna sit up here and tell me you don't know if he's my son Naala?" Dave's voice cracked.

"Every one is confusing me," Naala muttered, "Saint needs you right now so can you just go back to the hospital,"

"The bloods didn't match," Dave shouted at her. He walked over to her and grabbed her by her arms shaking her.

"Naala wake up!" He screamed in her face. He searched her face for any sign that Naala was still there but she wasn't. Her eyes were glazed over and it was clear she was having an episode.

"Where the fuck are those pills?" Dave said letting go of her and looking around the room.

"You keep asking me questions I don't know answers to," Naala sniffed. "Why are we even here, let's go back to the hospital,"

"So you don't know who you fucked before Saint was born?" Dave chuckled. "Is Phat even mine?"

"Don't say that," Naala cried. "They're your children, why would I lie?"

"But you keep saying you don't know?" Dave responded,

"I don't know anything right now Amir, what's wrong with me," Naala mumbled the last part. She remembers taking her pills, Gregory gave them to her every morning.

"Okay calm down," Dave sighed pulling her into a hug. "Naala you know I hate shouting at you but tell me the truth,"

"I am telling you the truth!" Naala cried. "But it's hard because — it's floating around my head —- I can't think,"

"You've not been taking your meds love," Dave said lowly. "Show me where you've been putting them,"

"I've been taking them, why does everyone think I'm lying all the time?" Naala said getting out of his grip. She closed her eyes and hummed shaking her head.

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