•Unused Prologue•

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[This chapter is free to skip, it was gonna be the original prologue for this story but I went against it since the whole thing was too identical to the original story]

Makoto Naegi wasn't normal to say the least.

He would experience random blackouts with no memory of the previous minutes. His classmates would always be cautious around him. He always thought that there was too much stress in his life, which resulted with the occasional passing out.

It wasn't until a couple of years later when he decided that it was a real problem. He had woken up only to be introduced to a horrible sights right in front of him.

He remembers it very clearly. The bright pink color with the sickening smell. How it was all over his hands. He knew it wasn't his blood, instead belonging to the horribly mutated body of a man right in front of him. He'd been crucified with razor sharp scissors, blood still dripping from his body.

It was at that moment when he asked for his parents to take him to see a doctor. They agreed of course. After all they were worried for his son.

Eventually they found themselves in a small room, anticipating the news of Naegi's checkup.

At last, the doctor came in with a clipboard full of papers. She took one last look at the front page before turning to the three people in front of her.

"The test results came back. It seems that your child has Dissociative Identity Disorder."

And that's when his heart sank.

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