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A/N: y'all might not like me after this part lmaoooo. stay tuned for part 3!

Word count: 3200😅

Warnings: angsty, mild physical aggression

Oscar fell back onto the couch and sighed heavily. Rob could tell something was weighing on him, so he did what any good friend would do.

"Here, you look like you need this more than I do." He pulled the blunt from behind his ear and handed it to Oscar. He chuckled to himself as he accepted Rob's gesture.

"You been acting funny all week. What's with you?"

Oscar inhaled deeply, letting the smoke linger in his lungs before finally blowing the smoke out the side of his mouth. He was still upset with you, but not upset enough to expose your relationship to you brother. Now that would just be petty.

"Nothing man, just...been a long week."

Rob shook his head as he sighed dramatically. "First my sister's all depressed and shit, now you. I can't be around y'all two, y'all bringing me down."

Hearing that made Oscar's ears perk up. He had been intentionally ignoring your calls and texts, and it was killing him. Of course he wanted to hear your voice, see your face, hold you close to him at night, but he meant what he said about not talking to you until you told your brother. He needed you to know how serious he was.

"What's up with (YN)?" He asked. He couldn't ask you himself, so your brother was his next best option. 

"She won't tell me, but I think it has to do with the dude she had in her apartment the other day. When I find out who it is, I'ma beat his fucking ass for making my baby sister cry."

"He deserves it." Oscar sighed. I deserve it, he thought to himself.

"I'm about to head to her place. You coming?" Oscar shook his head as he put the blunt out in the ash tray. "Nah, I'ma just head home." He stood up and followed Rob outside.

"I'll see you tonight at Joker's right?"
"I guess, I don't have shit else to do." Oscar was used to spending his Friday nights laid up with you. Catching up on your favorite shows together, making dinner together, he'd even join you when you did your skin care routine and weekly face mask.

He knew if he was left alone, he'd be thinking about you all night, and that would lead to him caving and asking you to come over to smooth things over. As badly as he wanted that, it had to be done the right way.


You were in your bed feeling sorry for yourself, even though you were responsible for the situation you were in.

You knew how strongly Oscar felt about not wanting to hide your relationship, yet you still put off telling your brother time and time again. You sighed as you scrolled through all the unanswered texts you sent Oscar. He was a man of his word. He really meant it when he said he wouldn't talk to you until you told your brother.

One week was enough. You missed Oscar so much your heart actually ached. It was time to tell your brother, regardless of what his reaction might be.

Rob texted you earlier and said he'd be coming over, so it seemed like the perfect time to tell him. You were in the middle of sending Oscar another text that he probably wouldn't answer when your brother knocked on your door.

"We need to talk." He said, letting himself inside. The seriousness in his tone worried you because he didn't take shit seriously. "Yeah, we do." You agreed as you sat across from him at the table.

"Ain't no dudes hiding in the closet or some shit, right?" Rob asked as he looked around over his shoulder. "Nobody is here, just me, Ben, and Jerry." You laughed as you flashed him the empty carton of ice cream before tossing it into the trash.

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