Movie Night

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Susan's POV

While Derek took my mum to bed i was choosing a film but i was stuck between choosing between 'Lion King' and 'beauty and the best' two of my faviourate Disney movies. I sat there staring at them both till i heard a slight chuckle. I turn to see Derek with a huge smile on his face. I groan and lie on the floor. I can't decide, i give up. I heard footsteps coming towards me and i see derek standing above me smiling "What's the matter missy" i frowned at his nickname but let it slide. "Ummm... i can't decide what film to choose. I sat up and showed him both films. He just laughed "Awhh we'll watch them both, now all you have to decide is which one is first"  i jumped up off the floor and held up Lion king "This one is my absolute faviourate movies" he nodded and took the DVD from me and put it into his DVD player. I walked over to the sofa and sat in the middle incase Derek had a prefered seat. "Susan do you want any snacks or anything" Snacks? hmmm i am hungry. "yes please that sounds great" i watched Derek head into the kitchen. While he was getting snacks i sat back on the sofa and pulled my knees to my stomach. I'm starting to get cold again even Dereks jumper is not enough. I wonder if he has a blanket. 

I walk throught to the kitchen to go ask Derek if he had a blanket. when i walked in i saw him making popcorn. Oh i love the smell of popcorn cooking, it's so sweet. I walk over to Derek "Derek you don't have a blanket, i'm getting cold" he turns to towards me "Susan you always suprise me, yea the blanket is in the cupbored to the right of the DVD shelf. Help yourself to it." I walk past Derek and take a piece of popcorn from the bowl. "Oi missy, you can wait" i ran round the ireland so he couldn't get me and into the living room. I go over to the Cuboared in search for the blanket. It was a lovley long red, soft blanket. i couldn't wait to be wrapped in in. Derek walks into the living room with the popcorn in hand and a bottle of Tango in the other with two cups on top of the bottle. He places them down on the coffee table. I sit back in the middle of the sofa. I'm excited to start this movie night, haven't watched a film i wanted to watch in months. "i'm not in your seat am i" Derek turns towards me and shakes his head. "No, i usually sit at the end on cornor, so i can put my feet up" i smile knowing i haven't sat in his spot. 

Derek's POV

I grab the DVD, Surround sound and Tv remote then go take a seat in my usualy spot. i relise i forgot the popcorn so i sat forward and grabbed it off the table. I know what your thinking alot of remotes just to watch one film. As i get comfy i looked over at Susan who seemed miles away on this big sofa. I don't know how i can ask her to come closer though. Maybe she's still cold and needs warming up. "Susan you still cold" She turns to face me and i can see she doesn't really know what to say. "only a little bit but it's okay" i grin to myself. I'm so happy she basically said yes. "Come over here, i'm warm so i'll warm you up" she moves slowly and i can see it with caution. She's being very careful with everything she does from sitting on the sofa to asking to watch a simple movie. When she come closer I move over so she can lay next to me with her feet on the sofa too as it's the msot comfy way to sit. "Lay your legs on their it's more comfy, trust me" she does as i said and moves closer while resting her legs on the long part of the sofa. I play the movie, happy with how closer she is. I don't like her too far away. We share the popcorn and soon was all gone not long into the film.  

Half way through the film i can feel Susan satrting to move around, she started to slide down the sofa more, i wondered what she was doing until i relised her eyes were starting to drop. Her chin was slwoly resting on her vhest which would leave her waking up sore, i slowly moved her head "Susan rest your head on me before you hurt youself" she shuffled even closer and i felt my heart beat quicken. I could stay like this forever, she smelt amazing. We stayed liek thsi till the film ended and i knew i had to break this amazing moment to take her to her actual bed. I sliped my hand behind her back and shuffled to get under her legs before getting up off the sofa to carry her bridal style up to her bed.  

Reaching her bedroom i place her so carefully on the bed and got the spare blanket out of the wardrobe beacuse i didn't want to risk waking her up by pulling the duvet. I placed it over her small frame and kissed her goodnight on the forehead before walking out closing the door. 

I headed straight to my room and got into bed. It sure has been a long day. Atleast i can sleep knowing Susan is safe and Max isn't going to hurt her while i'm sleeping. She's safe and sound in her own bed. 

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