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    The hotel building is not directly next to the forest, but a protective wall was built around it, with gardens and lakes in the middle. Coupled with security patrols around the clock, it stands to reason that small animals are not so easy to approach the building.

    Shen Xin felt that there should be only wind outside the window, but after getting closer, she felt the faint voice of speaking. She simply opened the window and poked her head out. Ye Zhiyou saw her movement and sternly said in the video: "Shen Xin, are you still sticking your head out? Do you have a sense of safety?"

    Shen Xin looked back. He glanced, and closed the window by the way: "There seems to be someone outside, and the voice sounds like the three high school girls in our group. I'll go out and have a look."

    Ye Zhiyou said, "Then you take the computer.

    " ......" Shen Xin was speechless, "What's the use of bringing it? How can you wear it out in danger?"

    Ye Zhiyou: "......"

    Shen Xin didn't take the computer, just took the phone and went out. Closed the door. Going to the back of the room she lived in, she turned on the flashlight that came with her phone, and took a picture in the direction of the sound: "Zheng Xiyan? Liu H? Huang Jingt? Is it you?"

    The subtle arguing that could have been heard, was After Shen Xin spoke, she couldn't hear anymore. Following the sound of OO@ @'s footsteps came from inside, Shen Xin's mobile phone slightly lifted, just as Zheng Xiyan came out from there: "Guide Shen, good evening."

    Zheng Xiyan smiled and greeted Shen Xin. Shen Xin was still flashing her torch, and she followed Liu H who came out from behind her: "What are you doing here so late? Didn't you say that you should stay in the room as much as possible at night? "

    Liu H said: "We just looked at the hotel garden, so we came to take pictures, and it did not go outside the hotel."

    "Yes." Zheng Xiyan still sang with Liu H, "If you feel unsafe, let us Go back now." The

    two of them said and walked back. Shen Xin looked back at them, and asked, "

    Where is Huang Jing?" Zheng Xiyan said, "Where to take the photo, and she will be back when she finishes the photo. "

    They seem to have nothing to do with Huang Jingt's whereabouts, but as a tour guide, Shen Xin can't care about it. She walked a few steps in, and saw a figure sitting on the stone bench, like Huang Jing: "Huang Jing?"

    Shen Xin walked over, Huang Jing didn't look up, and sat there holding her mobile phone. . Shen Xin bent down and looked at her and said, "Why are you still sitting here? The temperature outside is low, go back to the room soon."

    Huang Jing lowered her head and didn't answer. Shen Xin thought she didn't want to talk, and was about to pull her off the stool. When she got up, she heard her say quietly: "I don't want to go back to the room."

    Shen Xin was stunned, and asked her: "Why? Is there a conflict with Zheng Xiyan and

    others ?" Huang Jing stopped talking and stood Shen Xin. Next to her, she patiently asked her: "Why did you come here just now? I know that Zheng Xiyan and the others smoked the cigarette last time. Did they secretly smoke again just now?"

    Huang Jing froze for a while, then said, "No. , The cigarette was confiscated by you, and we didn’t buy it again."

    Shen Xin continued to guide: "Then what are you doing here? Huang Jingt, don’t cover them for them. If something like that happens last time, I can only Your parents have been notified."

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