chapter 22

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A chill ran down my spine as the cold air hit me , there were both men and women , young girls and young boys which made me  even more stronger ,

I knew deep in me that i will be okay and that it was okay to leave your family behind to find a purpose ,

Joining a line that had only females , I looked back looking at my family the last time before standing still like a stick just like the others ,

We were all waiting for the time for us to match into the bus so that we could be taken to the camp ,

I am nervous , my eyes ran through the faces of the young women who were right beside another row crying and sniffling,

And here I thought I was the only one who was a cry baby,I murmured inside me ofcourse because everyone was as silent as a pine .

After we saw that the families were being ushered to leave ,my heart broke when I hear the cries of the grown up.

The  mothers  and the father's , 

The tears were fresh and their voices held concern .. " I love you mom .. " I whispered silently and swallowed the bitter lump that was stuck on my throat .

I stayed in the long que and felt my heart beating fast when I saw two females in a millitary uniform and two males wearing the same joining us. 

Good evening ladies and gents .. we assume that you all have your legal papers and all the necessary things that you are supposed to have to enter in to the camps .

Now without wasting time ! Jog into the bus right away .. He instructed and we all obliged taking our belongings and finding seats ,

I took a seat that was far on the mirror , second from the last seat.

I didn't have a partner which I was thankful for now , becuase I got stressed the moment when I entered .

One of the female  soldier entered with us and the others entered into another buses .

There was a total of three buses with us , but only the two buses left .

I looked back at the mirror wanting to look a the faces of my family one last time but it was all dark ,

This is it , I am doing it ! And no one is there to stop me . I mumbled silently sighing lightly ,  I heard a sniffle and a young girl crying .

.I didn't dare say a word but minded my own business as I found it really hard for myself that I wasn't crying .

I looked beside me and I saw a young Man in glasses , he had a straight emotionless face that screamed don't mess with me and I didn't ,

I looked Infront and saw the soldiers talking and discussing something that none of us heard .

The bus  was driving and I wondered after how many hours were we going to be there ,

Some people started engaging themselves in some talks , but I was not interested .

Observing the inside of the car , I could see there were a lot of good looking young women and men who were  healthy externally ,

Sighing, I found myself dozing off now and then , finding the right angle to keep my head and my hurting neck.

It felt uncomfortable .

Half an hour later  the whole bus was silent, I looked outside and looked at the trees that we passed them ,

It was really cold , I didn't take an effort of taking anything to cover up myself becuase it wasn't needed as I have folded my clothes earlier and they were in a quite a good state ,

All you could here inside the bus was the sounds of breathing and the bus's noisy sound.

After few minutes , an authoritive voice brought us out from our thoughts .

We have five minutes until we reach into the camps , Take your phones   and switch them off and put it together with your belongings .

I am sergeant McKay and you will address me as sergiant whe you talk to me ,  you will answer my questions with a yes or no sergeant . He barked and we all chorused back

Yes seargeant !

Make sure you take your paper works in your left hand , and your belongings on your right hand .

After this bus comes into destination , I want you to get the fuck  out of my bus right away !

Yes seargeant ! We replied  but I flinched a little noticing the choice of words he used , without wasting time I took my belongings  and take out the paper works and put my back pack on my back  feeling nervous ,

Women will stand at the right and the men on the left painted white lines when the bus comes into a halt  , Am i clear ! ? He barked like a dog,

Yes seargeant ! We replied

After a few minutes , the bus stopped and we got out almost immediately, I had no idea what would happen to me if I tried delaying the rules. 

We could not even observe the place as we jogged on our respective places after seeing them and stood straight, looking forward we met up with another soldiers ?

They were waiting for us , the door entering inside the province(camp) was then  closed .

What the hell did I get myself into,. ? Well I am not sure , but I am here now .

My heart was thumping on my throat when the sergeant came back,

I suppose we all have  some kind of respect that we have came with  ,and I would want to make sure that each and everyone of you will follow each and every command that you will be given.

Yes seargeant .. we replied .

Lift your paper works on your left side ! We did as we were told ,

Lower them down ,

A warm up for now  , " twelve push ups for a start ,  "   I realised Something that there was no going back and this is the first day of our training .

Collect your belongings and march inside  before you start ,

Ladies first , without wasting time everyone as sharp and quick we were escorted into a hallway, ?

There were bins , ? I was curious now .

Take all of your belongings and drop them on the ground , Any food you put into the bin, any packets you will put it on the other side separating from the others .

You will open and fold your clothes one by one under the seargeant's watch .

What are you waiting for ,
Quick now !

I took my bag and dumped out everything , I Didn't carry anything that wasn't supposed to be carried ,

Even if I wanted , mom would have never let me .

I had no food , just small  perfumes and deodorants  and that was all .

The female sergeants passed through and  started the inspection of our clothes , then some dumped their foods into the bins and we were told to take our phones and dump them into the bins together with any metal or electroni stuffs which we easily obliged and not soon,

The male seargeant came in and barked gain,

Because there's many of you ,

We will be giving you and call your  name's according to your security number !

Oh boy .. what did I land myself. Into ?

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