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rory fuckin' around

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usera: bitch that whistle tone 🤯

userb: shut the fuck up, nobody cares

userc: why the fuck you're here again?

userd: go die 🙂

usere: this is the most fucked up thing to say to anybody

userf: I don't understand how can someone be so cruel😔

imsebastianstan: aww Rory, that's so cute. I love you too 🥰

rory: literally stfu you're like my brother

imsebastianstan: I know, I'm just fuckin' with you 😂

chrisevans: oooooooh Rory's in looove 🙈

rory: *is not

anthonymackie: LIES! 😠

rory: yoo chill mackster 😂

userg: who's the inspo though?🤔

userh: If it's Tom I'll scream so loud 😩

userg: userh I hope it's him😭

userh: userg they are so cute I hope so too

useri: he's so much older its literally disgusting😀 besides look at her🤢

userj: everyone out here hatin' instead of appreciating this piece of art 😪

userk: finally a person with common fucking sense

userl: amen sis 🙏🏻


It's been a week since the kiss and things between Rory and Tom were better than ever. Although thanks to the amounts of hate she was getting for their friendship alone, they decided that it's better to keep the improvements in their relationship a secret for now.

So much of a secret that nobody knows about the thing going on between them. Literally no-one, not even their friends or Aurora's dad for that matter. It's been getting harder and harder to hide their affection towards each other on set too and this caught the eye of Owen immediately. He's been watching them like a hawk ever since, looking for any clues to confirm his suspicion.

Tom and Daya also noticed her shift in mood, she seems happier and more carefree. Of course it's true, but only partly. Unfortunately Rory feels like the things in the media are still eating her up inside but she tries her hardest to focus on the good things in her life.

Like the birthday party she's organizing with Chris for Seb. His birthday is tomorrow and she's trying her hardest to make it memorable for him.

Sebastian was one of the first people who befriended her from the cast when her father introduced her. He immediately connected with the Downey girl and loves her like a little sister. Seb has been her rock alongside the goofy British boy who plays spiderman.

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