Second Chance

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I walked into Hunter's office with two ice coffees. When I woke up this morning, he had already left. 

"Good morning Selena. Is Hunter busy?"

She nodded her head. "He's having a meeting now. Would you like to leave him a message?"

I shook my head. "No, I'll wait thanks."

I walked around the office for a bit until my feet started to hurt. I sat and checked emails for around 10 more minutes before the same man from yesterday came out. Hunter must've made the deal with him because he came out smiling.

I walked into his office right after. I raised the coffees in the air. "I come in peace."

He didn't say anything so I turned around.

"If you brought the coffee for me, at least leave it."

A smile came on my face. I knew he wouldn't refuse coffee.

We sat down in his lunge area silently. He kept watching me but I tried my best not to look back at him.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

"Yes," he said almost immediately. "Are you still mad at me?"


"Well, I guess we're even then."

I could tell he wasn't as mad as before. If he was we would've been fighting by now. My phone rang again. I didn't even bother looking to see who the caller was because I knew it was dad.

Hunter looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You're a businesswoman. Aren't you going to pick up?"

I shook my head. "No, it's my dad. We still haven't told our dads that I'm pregnant as yet."

He thought for a moment. "Selena!"

She ran in quickly. "Yes sir?"

"Please tell my dad and Mr. Bass to meet me at La Rosa in an hour."

She nodded then left.

I looked at him weirdly. "What are you doing husband?"

"You said that we didn't tell them as yet so I'm changing that. We'll tell them at lunch."

"But Hunter-"

"For once in your life can you please stop objecting to everything I say?"

I don't object to everything he says.

He got up. "Let's go," he said.

I looked at the clock. "We still have an hour."

"I have to show you something first."

I looked at him suspiciously but still followed him.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I tried to catch up to him.

"You'll see when we get there."

We walked into an empty office next door to his. I looked at him confused. "What's this?"

He cleared his throat. "It's your um, office."

I looked up at him. "Hunter."

The office was beautiful it wasn't dark and almost looked like it was intended to replicate my current office.

"Don't make a big deal out of it. I only made it so you don't keep annoying me in my office. I'm not asking you to relocate here but when you do come to visit, I want to make sure you have an office to stay in."

I watched him closely. He was standing awkwardly and if I didn't know any better I would say he was nervous. It was cute.

I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Hunter. I love it."

He patted me on the back then pulled away. I could see that he was starting to put the effort in. He was taking baby steps but they were still steps.

"Okay enough of this. Let's get going," he said.

When we walked out most of the staff were watching us with smiles. I watched Hunter pinch the bridge of his nose. He looked like he was going to die of embarrassment. I tried not to laugh.

"Alright guys, shows over." the manager said.


On the way to the restaurant was silent. I tried to start a conversation but Hunter turned me down with one-word replies.

When we reached neither my dad nor John were there so we just sat in silence.

Our two fathers came in dressed as tourists. It felt weird because I would usually see them in suits.

"Now what was so important that Mr. Bass and I had to skip golf?" John asked as they both sat down.

I looked at Hunter but he was already looking at me. It looked like he wanted me to say it but I expected him to say it.

"Well spit it out." dad said.

"I'm pregnant!" I blurted out.

They stopped for a while then laughed in excitement. Dad hugged me, John hugged Hunter then vice versa.

"Took you guys long enough." dad grumbled.

"Did you guys already start to pick out names? And you have to get the nursery in order." John said.

They hadn't known I was pregnant for 5 minutes yet and they already had something to say. I looked over at Hunter and saw he was already annoyed. They were planning everything out just like our wedding only this time it wasn't something to be rushed off. They had to wait 9 months.

We ordered lunch and ate. Our dads asked for an update about the business and set a date for when we would reveal my pregnancy. I planned on keeping it a secret for as much as I could but my bump was already showing.

Hunter looked at his watch. "We should go."

He was saving us from our controlling fathers so I didn't object.

"Before you go, I just want to say how proud I am of your progress." Mr. Lodge said.


"Let me finish Hunter. You guys couldn't even be in the same room together and now you're married with a baby on the way. I'm proud of you both."

Hunter didn't say anything so I spoke for us both. "Thank you," I said then pulled Hunter with me.

On the way to the car was quiet again. When we started to drive, I spoke.


He looked at me then back to the road.

"Have you forgiven me as yet?"


"Three years ago."

He stayed quiet for a while. It looked like he was trying to decide. "I've forgiven you now but I can't say the same about trust. Why?"

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to try the whole friendship thing again. I promise I'll try hard to earn back your trust."

We stopped at the red light. He turned to me and stuck out his pinky. I smiled. We always made pinkie promises back then. I intertwined my pinky with his.

He actually was giving me a chance for the first time in three years. I'm not going to do anything to ruin it.

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