Zephyrine (Edited)

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Name: Zephyrine Barnes

Nickname: Zep (Most) Hot Head. Hot Air. Baby Avenger. (Tony) Twinkle-Toes. (Clint) Little One. Little Wind. (Thor) Angry Wind (Hulk)

S.H.N: Wind Walker

Age: 26

Species: Human (Air-Bender)

Face Claim: Gal Gadot

Face Claim: Gal Gadot

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Lyra Barnes (Mother; deceased)

Beckett Barnes (Father; deceased)

Zeru (Grandfather; deceased)

Unknown Grandmother (Grandmother; deceased; likely of Earth and not from the Bending Nations)

Yangchen (Ancestor)

George M. Barnes (Grandfather, deceased)

Winnifred C. Barnes (Grandmother, deceased)

Rebecca P. Barnes Proctor (Aunt)

James 'Bucky' Barnes (Uncle)


Not much is known about Zephyrine's childhood as she doesn't talk about it, though she has stated that for the most part it was normal. At some point, as a young girl, Zephyrine witnessed her parents and her grandparents deaths. She doesn't talk about this either. There is a Shield file regarding the event, but it is heavily redacted. Most of the Avengers have some theory regarding what happened.

By her late teens, Zephyrine was living on the streets and running from people who wished to use her and her powers.

She eventually came to be recruited by Nick Fury. Whilst initially suspicious and dubious about the offer, she reluctantly took it following a nasty attack on her and was placed into a safe house where Shield did actually keep her safe and looked after whilst helping her train and hone her abilities.

Zephyrine is one of the original, founding members of the Avengers, alongside Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff and Thor.


Haunted by the loss of her parents, and hardened from years of growing up being hunted for her powers, Zephyrine generally presents herself as a cynical and gruff survivor who prefers to keep other people at arm's length; she was initially unenthusiastic at the prospect of joining the Avengers due to not feeling like any sort of team player. Zephyrine tends to resort to sarcasm or blunt honesty as a means of communicating feelings. Zephyrine has a very reserved personality, never wanting to show vulnerability; she tends to bottle up her difficult emotions of sadness and regret, likely because that's what she's had to do her entire life. Similarly, Zephyrine seems to have slight anger management issues that cause her to do selfish acts. However, she opened up about this to Steve Rogers, who understood and promised to help her express emotions in a healthy way. However, Zephyrine's disposition is not entirely sour; besides her dry and teasing sense of humor, she is proven to have some talent in video games and enjoys playing them in her spare time. More noteworthy, Zephyrine is capable of empathy and compassion as the situation warrants. Zephyrine has also shown romantic and even motherly traits since joining the Avengers. Zephyrine's outer image of hardened survival instincts and practiced cynicism, there is a kind, gentle side to her as well.

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