author's note!

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Ten months.

Ten months!!

I think that's the longest it's ever taken me to write like, anything, but wow did I enjoy every second of it. I'm in fact still in denial that this book is even done.

Of course, I never would've gotten it done at all if it weren't for the support of all my lovely readers (that's you) who continue to motivate me and prove to me that what I'm doing actually means anything. Thank you as well for bearing with all the funky disclaimers I had to add to keep NovelHD from stealing my stuff. 

And to my two closest friends who read every chapter and left behind comments (albeit some of them tasteless) and who regularly listen to me ramble about fictional people and places and don't find it weird, thank you thank you thank you. I love you guys!

Lastly, I would like to thank my fifteen-year-old self, who left the idea for this book sitting in an old journal in the bottom of my junk drawer for me to dig up two years later in the middle of a global pandemic. Thanks for giving me something to do!

What's Next?

As some of you might know from the sporadic updates I post on my profile, I started college a month ago, so I probably won't be able to work on two stories at the same time like I could before. That being said, I do have a few things in the works, which I've mentioned before in some other author's notes:

1) Olympian VIP , updates Tuesdays- The sequel to my Greek myth-themed story The Search for Juno. Angie and her friends get up to even more shenanigans because Hermes accidentally reveals to the entire world that the gods are real. What could go wrong?

2) Bird's Eye View, coming soon- A journalism class at a prestigious HBCU (Historically Black College/University) seek to prove a man on death row innocent before it's too late. Not a lot of details for this book yet but I'm very excited to write it! (It's also the first time I'm writing a nonbinary character, so if you identify as nonbinary/genderfluid and have any advice for me as to how you'd like to see yourself represented, please either comment, PM me, or reach out to me on my instagram, jnicolewrites. I'd love to hear from you!)

That does it for now, I think. Take care of yourselves and I'll talk to you again soon!

-J. Nicole

p.s. Still have questions/comments about the story? Leave a comment here!

p.p.s. See additional content related to this story on my patreon:

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