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Tanjiro- -yawn- my uppermoon come here

I have a request from you

Uppermoon- yes master

Tanjiro- you guys need to protect them if anything happer
Especially the female because they are not strong as the male hashiras

Akaza- we can do that master

Tanjiro- then you guys are free to go

Uppermoon- thanks master  -leave-

Tanjiro-  -go over to the rock in the middle of the sea-

Nakime-  -still playing the biwa-

Tanjiro- oh hey nakime you're still here

Nakime- yes master

Tanjiro- aren't you hungry

I can get you food if you need

Nakime- it's okay master

Tanjiro- -chilling out-

I love this.......get to take a break

Nakime- me to master

Shinobu- oh hey akaza

Akaza- hmm

Shinobu- do you know where tanjiro is

Akaza- uhh

Master is on that rock over there

Shinobu- thanks

Tanjiro- hey nakime you should play this in an audition

Nakime- really

Tanjiro- yeah...they be proud having you on the team

Nakime- I will

Shinobu-  -fly over to tanjiro-
moshi mosh....


Tanjiro- huh

Shinobu- Hmph

Tanjiro- what

Shinobu- Mhm!

Tanjiro- what's wrong

Shinobu- Mhmmm!

Tanjiro-  -sigh-

I shouldn't talk to her -sigh-

Shinobu-  -make a sad looking eyes-

Tanjiro- okay if you won't tell me

-grab her face and throw her into the sea-

Shinobu-  -sea water splash into her mouth-


Tanjiro- oh god I messed up

-swim to her and take her back to the surface-

Shinobu-  -take a super deep breath-

Tanjiro-  -shake his head-

Go take a rest already

Shinobu-   -goes to the tent-

Hashira-  -also goes to their tent-

We're sleepy now can we take a rest now master

Tanjiro- yeah sure

Uppermoon- thanks master

-go to their tent-

Ubuyashiki- tanjiro I need to talk to you

Tanjiro- yes

Ubuyashiki- I really appreciate the upper moon

Their are really kind and good working

㍇⃝ What If Tanjiro Parent Are Yoriichi And Tamayo ㍇⃝Where stories live. Discover now