Chapter Fourteen

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Rubee was going blind. That is what Vet Nelson had just investigated and concluded. It explains why she didn't come to greet me yesterday when I first arrived. She didn't get off the chair because she couldn't see how. It also explained why she fell into the bath tub. She didn't see the edge of the bathroom bench. She was mostly blind.

I cried. I hugged my two little cuties to my chest and cried. Vet Nelson was so good about it all. She told me all about what testing we could do for little Rubee but there wouldn't be much we could do for her without knowing any probable cause for the blindness (for example: possible accideny). She did suggest these little cuties could be a part of an illegal breeding ring.

"The sellers often inject the baby animals before sale to make them hyperactive and more attractive to those looking for cute pets. The drugs often have horrible side effects but without proof, the buyers can not get their money back. We've seen many cats and dogs in terrible conditions because of this, many times. Often during the week after purchase." She explained.

"That's horrible." I felt so angry, upset that my two babies could have experienced something so nasty. "Will they be OK? Is this why Rubee is blind now? What about Bura? Will he also go..." I asked, so upset that I started crying again.

"Hey, Sweetheart. Take this. It's going to be OK." She handed me a paper towel to wipe my face. "I'm sorry this has happened to your babies, but you look like you really care about them. That is the best thing these little guys need in their lives. I'm sure you will treat them really well and look after them." Vet Nelson was lovely. I liked her a lot.

It took me a few moments to calm down. When Vet Nelson asked me if she could ring my parent's to come in and get us, I just shook my head, saying that I lived alone. A moment later she extended further kindness to us, that surprised me.

"How about this. I'm due to be signed off on my radiology certification this week and can take Rubee as a volunteer for an MRI. Her case is unique enough that I think my boss will let this through. If you leave her with me today, I can run the exam after work tonight and bring them both to your place on my way home."

"Really? You'd be able to do that for us?" I stared at her, hope brimming.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. My heart can't take it, Sweetheart." She pressed a hand to her chest. I giggled and that made her smile and stop play acting. "That's better, now how about you leave these two with Aunty Margo and give your phone number, because it isn't on file, and we'll get you all sorted." I nodded, happy for the help.

"I have to let you know though, it is highly likely that there will be nothing we can do for her. If there is damage to her nerves at the back of her eyes, then we will not be able to correct this.

 Also, she will go under general aesthetic so I will need your consent. Are you old enough to sign the consent forms?" Vet Nelson asked.

"I'm eighteen." I nodded.

"OK, good. I'll run the tests, then give them a late dinner and bring them on over, probably around nine PM tonight."

She got the kittens all squared away, then had me sign two consent forms, one for Bura as well, just in case. I promised to buy a cat carrier from the pet shop in the mall and went straight away to get it.

I found a soft sturdy fabric pet carrier backpack that had a front and top opening that when closed, could display a mesh air vent or be closed up completely. It had a reinforced base, strong straps and a sturdy frame. It cost a couple of hundred dollars, but I felt it was worth it for my two babies. I delivered this back to the vet clinic, stuffed my hoodie jumper inside the new bag so the kittens had a familiar scent, then left it with the receptionist.

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