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It's the first live show tonight, my cousins left a couple days after the boys but Ashley is looking into transfering so she can go to Uni in London. She say it's to be closer to me but i'm pretty sure Harry is also a big part of her decision. Jenna and Zayn broke up I guess, well they mostly just went their seperate ways. Liam and Jessica are still going strong and as for me and Niall we're well perfect. I feel like i'm saying that a lot. Niall calls me evreynight to ask me about my day and we talk for hours even tho we don't have much to say. I send Louis the odd text here and there but he never answers. I don't bring it up to Niall because I know it would hurt him.

 I was laying on my bed when I heard the familliar skype sound. Harry Styles is calling you. The familliar mop of curls and peircing green eyes appeard on my computer. His eyebrows we're knitted together and he was biting his lip probably hard enough to draw blood. 

'' Jezz.. Hazz what's wrong? '' I asked worried. 

'' Lou !! '' 

'' What lou ? '' waiting patiently.

'' He is bloody mad ! He doesn't want to perform. I guess he has stage fright or something tor help us. If he doesn't go on we're screwed '' 

'' put him on '' I order and Harry scuries off. A couple minutes later he brings Louis. His light brown hair was sticking out evreywhere he had on his bunny sleepers and some joggings with a plain white tshirt that had chocolat stains splatterd across it. He was whinning to Harry but he just ignored the slob and pushed him down on the chair.

'' BLOODY HELL LOUIS, you look ratched '' I scrunch up my face in disgust. He shrugs. 

'' Louis William Tomlinson ! You will go in the shower and get ready because your performing  tonight! '' I scream at him my hand turning into fists.

'' But tori what if I screw up and ruin the chance for the lads '' he whines 

'' Louis you not going on ruins the chances for the boys and plus without you there it's not One Direction anymore Lou. You're voice is amazing I know you will smash it tonight '' I tell him. 

'' but, '' 

''  no buts Louis, just think you're performing infront of me or your sisters and everything will be fine '' I say 

'' ok well if I fuck up and totally hummiliate myself it's all your fault '' he says. 

'' Yup i'm okay with that because your not going to fuck up. So get your big ass in the shower and get ready because in a couple hours your life will be completly different '' I say grinning. 

'' thanks tori '' he say sincerly, making me grin even wider knowing that I had completed my mission and with that we signed off. 

I was sitting on the couch with Jessica. Munching on popcorn because when I'm stress I eat but on the other hand Jessica was staring at the tv her knees against her chest and everytime she looked at my popcorn her face would pale. She couldn't eat when she was stressed. The artists on this year XFactor were massively talented making me even more nervous. I wasn't really paying attention to the tv when I felt Jessica nudging me.

'' THEIR ON '' she squelead and pulled her knees closer to her chest. I gulped and turned my attention to the tv. Viva la Vida by Coldplay starting playing. I remeber Niall telling ME how much he loved that song, making me smile. The boys we're looking pretty handsome except Harry shirt was really ugly I must admit. They had dyed the sides of Niall hair a chocolat brown even tho I loved his blond locks I wonderd how he would look as a brunett. Louis of course did wonderful I felt my heart swell with happiness when he smashed his solo. The boys smashed it and right than and there I knew they were gonna be massive and probably win XFactor.

After the show was finished I turned on my computer hoping Niall would call me but the call never came. I texted him congratualing him but he never answered. It was around 1am, I was sleeping when I heard my phone ring.

'' Hello? '' I ask in a groggy voice. 

'' WIFEEEY, WE DID IT '' Louis voice waking me up from my sleep.

'' I knew you would. One direction are going to be big '' I say hapilly in the phone.

'' I know did you see what Hazza dance moves tho, horrible '' he said cracking up with laughter.

'' haha, I know I thought he was having a seizure or something '' I reply giggling.

'' HEY I HEARD THAT '' Harry yelled in the background making me giggle more. 

'' awee Sorry HazzaBear '' He scoffed. 

'' HazzaBear where did you get that? '' He asked

'' Well, Louis mum calls him Boobear '' I say cheekily knowing that Louis hated when his mum called him Boobear he found it absolutely humilliating. 

'' BOOBEAR '' ALL THE BOYS SCREAMED earning a groan from Louis. 

'' oh am I on speaker ? '' I say innocently  

'' Yup '' the replied in unison.

'' is niall there? '' I inquire 

'' actually, no we haven't seen him '' 

'' oh '' I reply a pang of disapointment ran threw me. 

'' Well I see you guys later '' I say. They all say their farewells and I went back to bed.

The next day at school I went to Jessica locker to see if Liam had called her. 

'' Hey Jess '' I say waving.

'' hi tori '' her voice full of concern. 

'' is something wrong ? '' 

'' have you been on tumblr today ? '' 

'' Well no, I didn't have time this morning ''

'' oh '' Jessica simply replied. A knot formed in my stomach. 

'' What is it jess? '' I ask annoyed. 

'' There are pictures of Niall leaving a pub with a girl and ... they are posts talking about how his girlfriend cheated on him or something like that '' I thought I was going tu vomit but my stomach twisted and knoted. I couldn't even find the words to speak I didn't know if I should be sad or extremely pissed. Not only did he leave with a girl but he told her about our relationship and it leaked it to the press. I was sick and tired of being the girl that always got hurt so this time I got angry. I look at Jessica my face cold a smirk appearing on my lips.

'' His loss. '' I reply and taking out my phone. I compose a tweet. 

@Tori_roberts is no longer with @Nialler_Horan because he is a lying cheating bastard.  Have a nice day everyone because I know I will xx :)

My phoned chimed telling me my Tweet had been SENT. 

How come she's so afraid of falling in love? [ Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan ]Where stories live. Discover now