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Hello plebians, I'm really sorry for the late update this was supposed to be daily but I was at a different place, And I going again in this Saturday. Well, I'm here to drop this chapter off and tell you that I won't show how the Massacre started, And I can't really tell why his personality change, But let's say that his personality is now similar to Rimuru, Because why not? It'll start where Shin, Folgen, And Razen fight, Then Shin will talk to Athena before he sleeps, But Before he sleep, He..................

Continue the Opening

In the Demon Realm

???: ...

There was a woman, A demon to be exact. An absolute beauty with a seemingly gentle personality but is one of the scariest demons of all in terms of personality.

???: Hey White, I've been trying to call you for a while now. What are you watching?

Then there was another woman who called her.

White: Oh, Yellow, I didn't noticed you there.

Yellow: Of Course, I've been calling for you but you are really distracted by that Crystal ball, What are you watching anyways? Some mortal caught you eyes?

White: Well, You can say that at least. But this is something that transcend my knowledge.

White looked at the Crystal ball intently, She was surprised.

White: This human, He massacred the entire kingdom of the Falmunt. All of the soldiers that sums up to 100,000 soldiers. He has some kind of weird ability that control space or something... It's kinda like "Red's" Ability to Stop Time.

Yellow: Eh? What do you mean?

White: ... Nothing, What do you need from me?

Yellow: Well, I'm bored. So what do you say? Let's blow up some Demons? Let's start with Purple.

White: ... No??

Shin POV

Shin: What have I done?


Shin shot the head of a Soldier with his revolver, He reload the magazine before putting it back to it's holster

Then he opened a large door, Inside is the Great King of Falmunt, Edmaris Falmunt, Along with his great Commander Folgen and the Great Magician, Razen.

Edmaris: Y-You foolish human! Do you think that you'll get away with this? You dare attack my great country!

Shin: There's no turning back now.

Shin took out the sword that Kaijin made, It was fully covered in blood, Along with his face, His clothes is sullied with blood that belongs to the soldiers that he massacred. His face remains blank.

Folgen: Razen-san, Take the king and run away, I'll take care of him myself.

Razen: No, I will fight alongside you, Defeating him by yourself is clearly impossible.

Shin: ...Die...And become my sacrifice.

Shin threw the sword towards Edmaris, Which only scratched him because Razen quickly blocked it.

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