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Flames consumed your hands.
But this wasn't anything new.

Fire powers have been in your life for a very long time. You discovered them a night a very long time ago. But your powers weren't a gift, they were a curse. You would do anything to go back in time and change what happened.

It was a cold night, years ago. You had lived in a simple home with your mother and father. Everything was normal. Magic and it's consquences hadn't entered your life yet.

Your life was perfect. You had everything that you needed. Caring parents, a roof over your head, and an education.

After a long game night and many rounds of Candy Land, you were tucked in for bed. It was 3 A.M., but you were extremely thirsty. You quietly tiptoed down to the kitchen, and took a cup out of the wooden cabinet.

While doing so, all of the cups, dishes, and plates fell onto you. It stung, and it stung badly.

You stomped in rage, and decided to take your anger out on the wall. Cuts scattered all around your body. Punching the wall once wouldn't hurt,  right? Your hands felt warm from the fresh anger coming out of you, and you punched the wall. That felt better.

After a few minutes, you calmed yourself more. You leaned against the wall, but then jumped back with a sudden yelp. The wall was burning hot.

When you turned around to investigate, the wall was on fire. You yelled as the flame started to spread around the house, beginning to devour it all. You screamed for your parents, as you sprinted out the door, but no other sounds were heard. You kept a grasp on the house phone and dialed 9-1-1 right away.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" Tears were streaming down your face, and you could barely speak. You looked up at the burning house.

"My house is on fire... Please help!"

"I need you to stay calm, what's your location?"

Your proceded to tell the man your location. "M-m-y parents are still in there. My mother and father. I'm safe, but they're not. Please help," You cried.

"We will be there in no time, please remain calm."

Remain calm.

Those words rung in your head as the call ended. Remain calm? How were you supposed to remain calm when your house was burning down and your parents were going to die? The firefighters arrived shortly after, putting out the fire. You watched as the flames danced around the house, slowly melting away.

The firefighters marched over to you, dissapointed looks on their faces. "Did you find them?" You asked, trembling.

The male firefighter looked at the girl firefighter and then back at young you. "I'm so sorry..." he said, extending his arms, which you declined.

Heat and anger was wrapped around your fist.

They didn't save your parents.

And it was your fault they died.

You looked up at the four firefighters in rage. You felt as if you had to take your anger out on them. Next thing you knew, fire was on your palm, as you shot four different fireballs at them, sending them all in flames. The girl screamed, as you had realized what you done. You set them on fire. They were dead. Others rushed out of the firetruck.

You killed them. There was no going back. You started to run as fast as you could, not looking behind you. It was dark, and the woods were the only option. After you ran for what felt like eternities, one of the last things you could remember from that day was running to a nearby shop in a far town.

You had asked for some water and a mirror. Then you saw it. You saw the scar and burn marks from the fire.

And even worse, you had killed your parents and the firefighters.

You were too young to control your powers, or your emotions.

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