35. my girl.

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She's finally mine. I'm so fucking happy.

A couple days ago during our lunch period, Parker and Cameron ran up to me and literally dragged me to the girls bathroom to give me the "talk." I still have chills down my back remembering Parker threatening me with a broomstick. That was the most scariest moment of my life, I never want to relive that.

Ty and Blake also told me that if I break Sierra's heart, they'll break both if my legs and will not hesitate to throw everything I own at my face until it hurts.

Is it too late to back out of this relationship?

It's been a couple weeks since we became a "thing" and I have never smiled more in my laugh. Every Saturday night we go to Melly's and then watch a movie at one of our houses until we fall asleep and she makes my life a thousand time brighter. What would I do without her? She's my everything.

I walk outside the school doors to meet the guys and the girls, well besides Cameron. I walk on over to Sierra, putting an arm around her shoulder as she chats with Parker. She looks up and smiles at me before continuing her chat. We were just waiting for Parker. As she talks to Parker, I notice the way her hair is straightened and the brown highlights in them. Her eyes are bright and full of bliss as the sun hits her face and I just stare in awe.

Her eyelashes are long and full and I can tell she used a different mascara, or whatever she calls it. Her cheeks are have a tinge of pink. The soft white long sleeve sweater fits her perfectly and the jeans she's wearing does well showing off her long legs.

"Stop staring at your girlfriend and get your ass over here!" Ty shouts, getting my attention back into the real world. Sierra shoves me towards him with a playful grin and I flip her off, to which she returns.

Blake smirks at me and I whack him on the head. He winces and rubs the sore spot.

"Where's your sister, Davis?" Ty asks, look around.

"Looking for your girlfriend?" I respond and he turns to look at me with an unamused expression.

Blake laughs and as on cue, Cameron walks out with a bright cheery smile on her face.

"Sorry, guys! I had to help this new student to the office and I got her lost like five times." she explains out of breath. Ty shakes his head and Parker laughs at her breathless state.

Sierra pats her shoulder and leads the way down the stairs to our cars. "Well now that we're all here, we should go to Melly's! I'm starving." she huffs and we all collectively agree.


We all arrived in our respective cars and walked inside to our usual booth. From the looks of it, it isn't too busy, just a few families and students from our school. A few workers give us hellos and we return ones back. I spot Melly giving us a short nod in greeting.

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