Dare #1

143 4 3

DianaDee271 asks:

I dare Sally and Trenderman to put Offenderman in a pink dress

Offenderman: *walks out wearing pink dress*

Sally: *gasp* You look so pretty!

Trenderman: I say he can pull it off. 👍

Offenderman: Of course I can~
Hope humans you enjoy this~

Slenderman: *walks in the room* ...I don't even want to know... *walks back out*

Suffocated Melody: What the heck is happening? Why did Slender just- PFFT!

Jeff: You good, Melody?- AW HELL NO *runs away*

Offenderman: ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

Help I can't stop laughing XD

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