63. Falling out

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It was dusk when I and Aarmen, completely out of breath, reached the forest's border by the Nile. A lone fire torch beamed in the distance near the trees, somewhat making Dunkin's silhouette visible.

In the dark, windless evening, as we neared their spot, Cheryl's body became visible. 

I faltered in my steps, a downpour of tears blinding my sight at her still frame, pale as the moon, laying in the sands. Her clothes were still soggy, clung to her lifeless body.

"Fuck the department! Fuck you all!" Lorenzo screamed, breaking into a harsh cry as he desperately rubbed her lifeless hands, "Please, please c'mon please, Cher," he hiccupped, tears streaming down his face.

No. I refused to believe that she was dead.

Why is he blaming us? Aarmen sent a message connecting me and Dunkin, but Dunkin's eyes were just strained at Cheryl, barely paying any notice to us.

"Did any of you stop her?!" Lorenzo's lethal cry directed our way, seething in such malice as if we were his enemies.

"Except me, did any one of you? Tell me!" he shook in a bitter cry, his eyes bloodshot, "Oh, why the fuck would you all care? Someone had to volunteer to test out that shitty way those morons asked us to return, but she did…" his voice convulsed as he stared at her face, "She was a true friend…" he whispered.

"But what did you all do? Let her kill herself, right in front of your fucking eyes!"

"Lorenzo," Aarmen cut him off when he couldn't bear the curses anymore, stepping ahead with a controlled voice, "Cheryl planned her death without informing us. It was an impulsive decision on her part. Had she discussed it with us, we would've figured out safer ways, tested out which-"

"Oh please, shut up already, leader." Lorenzo let out a mocking laugh. "Where were your leadership skills when a team member was on the brink of death, without your tested ideas to die, huh? Did you pull her back? Did you even fucking talked to her about it before she died?!"

"Lorenzo, I swear she never-" I held Aarmen's hand, stopping him from going any further, with his words or actions. I sent him a quiet message.

He's angry and very heartbroken. Let him take it all out. 

"I swear I would've gone with her if this coward piece of shit didn't stop me," Lorenzo snarled, looking at Dunkin with so much disgust, I covered my mouth, my hands shaking to control another sob of tears.

In a time when we should be together, to discuss further actions in this situation, we were falling out.

He raised from the ground beside Cheryl, going to stand in front of Dunkin whose head was still lowered, expression grim. 

"Why, Welsh, why did you stop me?" Lorenzo breathed out, sounding like a mad wolf ready to tear his flesh apart. "Why did you separate me from my girlfriend? Because you didn't have any? Because you wanted me to drown in celibacy and a loveless life as you are?" 

"He's taking it all to an entirely different topic," Aarmen grunted beside me, removing his turban to move a hand through his hair.

I gasped when he held Dunkin by his collar to shove him back. Dunkin did nothing to defend himself as he staggered back, his eyes strained on the sand, but his knuckles were clenched. He was breathing heavily, so much control as I just stood helplessly at my spot, having no idea how to fix it all.

"P- Please don't fight…" I wanted to shout, but the words died on my lips. 

"You're nothing but a fucking coward, Dunkin!" Lorenzo's words were nothing but venom stabbing through each of our hearts, mercilessly.

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