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I spent 10 minutes swimming and the rest 50 minutes drooling over sexy boys surfing or playing volleyball.

After an hour, I skipped my way towards Paulo and Giovanni, was residing on my beach towel.

"Shall we go back?" Paulo asked. I frowned not wanting to go away from the hot Cheetos playing.

"It's been an hour now. Your brothers must be worried about you." Giovanni tried to reason.

"Okay." I slid sarong over my beachwear and grabbed the towel and other necessities. There weren't that boys though.

After 15 minutes of walk, we came in front of the resort in which we were staying. It was made up of wood and glass windows giving away the view of the beautiful beach.

We sauntered inside and were met with extremely enraging Valentino brothers.

Uh oh.

"What happened? Why are you guys raging like angry bulls!?"

They turned their head towards me so fast that I almost got whiplash.

"Where were you?" Marco asked with so much anger that I flinched. So unlike me.

"At the b-" Antonio cut me off. "And what the fuck are you wearing?"

"Be-" I was interrupted by Alessandro this time. "What the fuck you were doing outside?"

I'm so done with them interrupting me. "I was-"

"Are you okay?" Matteo asked me worriedly, his eyes bloodshot as if was crying.


I could feel my temper rising with every interruption. "You were alone out there?" Rocco asked, furiously.

That was new now. Rocco and angry?


"Why did you went out in the first place? Are you seriously stupid?" Alex asked, angrily.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted so loudly that I could hear the birds fleeing away.

"Stop cursing. And all of you, control your anger. I don't want you to yell at her."

"Thank you, Leo." I send him a grateful smile.

"Sit down, Mia Cara."

"I'll change first." I pointed towards my clothes. After getting a nod from Leo I walked inside my room and threw a pair of pajama shorts and a hoodie.

Did I mention it's almost the end of October? And we went to the beach for a vacation?

I walked back inside the living room to see everyone with a clenched jaw which tightened further after my arrival.

I sat down on the couch, besides Leo. So far the safest option.

"Why did you leave?" Antonio asked, still very much furious.

"Because I had nothing to do. And you don't play on Xbox if you are on vacation." Giving stink eyes to the rest of my brothers, excluding Antonio and Leo.

"You don't go outside alone if you have nothing to do, stupid." Marco retorted.

Everyone was replying angrily, their tones were venomous and bitter.

"I wasn't alone, for your kind of information. And I've already told you guys before that these indoor games don't entertain me." My tone was getting slightly higher. I could feel it. And if this doesn't stop any soon, one of us is going get hurt badly.

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