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As she stares into the cold face of death,
He unleashes the venom of his dragons' breath,
And the features of her life just melt away,
As she becomes another member of the Shadow Man's prey.

One step ahead from the arms of the law,
No prints or clues as to who they're looking for,
Every door knocked and every alley searched,
But high on rooftops, preying eyes are perched.

There's movement coming from the alley below,
And piercing eyes focus on the smokey glow,
Drunkenly stumbling towards the open road,
He's taking a short cut to his abode.

Stealthily descending without a sound,
The shadow quietly hits the ground,
And stalking up behind, his victim doesn't know,
He's about to become just another John Doe.

Quick as a flash he hits the deck,
As the blood slowly trickles from his neck,
Moments pass and the deed has been done,
Now the Shadow Man's off to find more fun.

© A S May 1986

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