Chapter 25

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Edward's Pov

After Grace greets each of the family and eats lunch, I take her to my room. "Tell me about school princess. Why didn't you have a good day?" Grace climbs up on the couch and lays her head on my shoulder.

"No one liked me. They didn't say hi, or take one of my cookies. I want to stay at big school with you and Emmy and Jazzy." I hold Grace close and lightly brush her hair with my fingertips.

"I'm sorry Grace. It was only the first day.  Tomorrow will better. They were probably just shy. They don't know you, so you'll just have to keep on being the sweet girl you are, and they will come around." I feel Grace nod slightly. "If they don't like me, can I come to big school?"

I smile lightly, "You can come to big school some day, ok?" Grace nods again, and yawns sleepily.

"Are you tired, princess?" Yet again, another nod. "Do you want to go to your bed?" She shakes her head, no, and holds on to my shirt. I lay back, and she curls up on my stomach. I throw a blanket on her and wrap her up, where she is warm, and hum a tune while she drifts off to sleep. 

  When Grace wakes up it is almost 8:30, so she hurries downstairs to see Carlisle. "Daddy! I have you something!" Carlisle lifts her up and smiles, "Really? Well what is it sweetheart?"

Grace runs away and grabs her backpack and bag of cookies. "Mama! Emmy! Jazzy! Allie! Rosie! Come here! Come here!" They all come into the kitchen and Grace smiles brightly. 

She pulls out all of her papers she draw for us. After we all thank her she starts getting excited. "Wait! There's more! Me and Miss Emmy made these for you. They are special cookies! You have to eat it since they are special." We all chuckle as she hands our special cookies.

She had made the chocolate chips into letters, each with our first initial on it. We all reluctantly eat our cookie, as she beams with pride. "Ok, kiddos. You all have school tomorrow, so head to bed."

Grace pouts a tiny bit and says, "Can I go to big school tomorrow?" We all smile sadly as Carlisle bends down and picks Grace up.

"How about you go to your school tomorrow. Then we can see in a few years or so about you going to big school with the others alright kitten?" Grace nods sadly and hugs Carlisle.

"I know you want to be with the others, but you're going to make lots of friends, I just know it. Give it some time and they will be your best friends, alright Grace Grace?"

Grace's bottom lip sticks out and she says, "I don't need any best friends. I have a lot." Carlisle nods and kisses her head before passing her to Esme.

"We will see my dear. Have a good day at school tomorrow, and always remember I love you, baby girl." Grace kisses his cheek and hugs Esme before giving the rest of us our bedtime hugs, then slowly walking up the stairs.

Before she gets half way she says "Can you all read me a bedtime story with the funny voices?" Me and my sibling share a smile and follow her to her room to read her a story. 

Once we get her tucked in, we sit around her in her bed and start making up stories to tell, but as she requested, in funny voices.

"Then Goldie Locks goes and runs out into the woods crying, "I want birthday cake with green beans!" Emmett says in a shrill voice, and Grace burst out laughing.

"And then the little bears following her said, "You silly little blond. We don't eat birthday cake and green beans. We eat hunny and fish with crackers!" Rosalie says, as Grace giggles.

Grace looks sleepy despite laughing with my siblings, so I decide to step in. "Oh, but kind bears, can I have some hunny and crackers?" The bears oblige and let the little Goldie Locks eat hunny and crackers, and they all live happily ever after. The end."

Grace smiles and says, "But I'm not tired Eddie. Can you do another one, please!"

Alice laughs lightly and kisses her head, while Jasper says, "We all need to go to sleep so we can get up early and to go school in the morning. The earlier we get up, the earlier we can all be ready and walk you into school tomorrow."

Grace smiles big and nods her head quickly. "Night night. I love you." We all kiss her head, and tell her goodnight before leaving her room with a smile on our faces.

Guys....... I really do NOT want to do this, but to keep the story moving along, especially if Bella is going to be in here and y'all will want all 3 books storylines in here, or something like that, then I have made the hard decision to only do one, maybe two more chapters of little Grace. I need ideas for how old y'all want her to be next, because next Bella will come into the story, and she will find out about both the Cullens and the Pack, so ideas please! The faster I get them the faster I can write. I have been on a roll so far, so I really need ideas quick so I don't loose my train of thought. Thank you so much for sticking with me for this long, and anything, ANYTHING you think could make it better, or some little details you want me to add, please, please comment below. Thank you!

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