Chapter 10: Competition

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             The sun was directly overhead and Fiona was on the other side of the beach, leaning against one of the trees that looked like they’d escaped the forest that lay just behind them, her bathing suit now only damp. To one side of her was Chay, his shirt still off from when she’d dragged him into the water. Meredith had even joined them for a while, though when they’d left the selkie had stayed in with Tyna and Jordana. On the other side stood Perry, who’d refused to join them in the water and didn’t look in the least bothered by the heat of the noon sun.

            “Hot enough for you, Wilde?” Alex called as he passed in front of where they stood, grinning.

            She smiled back. “Enough that I’d wilt out of the shade.”

            He laughed and waved as he continued past, Duarte waving as well while the other two boys with them, people Fiona didn’t recognize, only stared. Fiona was getting used to it. Enough people had come up to introduce themselves, and there was no way she was going to remember all their names, that she’d accepted her status as school novelty. She just hoped it was a temporary thing.

            “Looks like something’s up,” Perry said, nodding towards the growing crowd. “Shall we check it out?”

            “I hope it’s not a fight,” Fiona said, grabbing her backpack by one strap to carry it.

            “It shouldn’t be,” Chay said, holding his hand out towards her. When she looked at him, he nodded towards her bag. “Do you want me to carry that for you?”

            She grinned. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine. I appreciate it though.”

            He shrugged, staying quiet as they approached the cluster. They were lucky and everyone began moving backwards to form an even larger circle. When they moved forward, Fiona could see why.

            In the clear centre, two guys stood, both grinning harshly at the other. A third boy hurried out to stand between them, waving at the crowd. “A challenge has been issued,” he called, his voice carrying over to them. “Jasper has challenged Kaden to a contest on who can fly the highest. Both have to start in human form and race up into the sky. Do you both accept?”

            “Yes,” said the one Fiona thought was called Jasper. She was pretty sure he was in their computer class.

            “Bring it,” replied Kaden.

            The announcer nodded and moved to the edge of the circle, raising one fisted hand. “On your mark,” he said as they both bent their knees and spread their arms out. “Get set, go!”

            Fiona was glad they were on the far side of the circle. The area around both boys exploded backwards with the force of their surging wingbeats, sending dirt flying around them as everyone cheered. Fiona was only able to see each of their transformations clearly for a second. Jasper’s form was that of an enormous dog. If a dog had the head and wings of a brown eagle. On the other hand, Kaden’s form was purely bird, if an immense black and brown one.

            Both of them spiralled higher and higher, each movement upward shrinking them so that they didn’t look so out of the ordinary. Fiona couldn’t help but stare up at them, wondering how high they’d get. She hoped neither of them hurt themselves. She was also jealous that they could fly and wondered what it would be like to have wings, to be able to take to the skies whenever you wanted-

A shout interrupted her thoughts. She and nearly everyone on the beach turned to look at the group of teachers who’d just come out on top of the path. “What do you think you’re doing?”

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