Chapter 19: Part of the Truth

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"That took awhile." I sigh. All these trainers and trap doors are starting to get on my nerves. Chatot hovers in the air next to me.

"I thought those trap doors were fun." he says, smiling. I scoff in annoyance.

"For you. At least you could stop yourself before hitting the ground." I gently rub a growing bruise on my arm.

"I don't even want to know how many bruises I have from falling through those things." I gently walk forwards, limping ever so slightly. A woman with long, red hair stands before me. She is wearing a crop top with jeans and a white sash as her belt. She glances up at me as I approach. Her eyes light up as she greets me.

"Welcome! I am the fire-type gym leader Flannery! I'm the one in charge here! So prepare yourself, I am about to unleash the rage of fire upon you!" She shouts excitedly. Her loud voice makes me cringe.

"No need to shout..." I mumble. Chatot scratches the side of his head in irritation. Flannery smiles apologetically and takes out her first pokeball. She lets out a slug-like pokemon, who I recognize as Slugma, and I release Combusken. She raises her eyebrows in confusion.

"Hey, fire-types don't have to know only fire-type moves." I say, shrugging my shoulders. She smiles and calls out her first move.

"Slugma use Rock Throw." Slugma summons some huge rocks and hurls them at Combusken.

"Quick, Combusken! Use Quick Attack to dodge and use Double-Kick!" I shout, using the strategy I came up with in the battle against Maxie. Combusken races forwards, dodging all the boulders flying his way before kicking Slugma with his powerful feet. Slugma flies across the room and Flannery has to side-step to dodge the flying slug. It lands on the ground with an audible thud. It slowly gets back up and slides back to the battlefield. I raise a hand to intimidate Flannery.

"Use Quick-Attack once more." I say calmly. Combuskan glows white again and dashes forwards, slamming into Slugma. It slides backwards and collapses onto the ground. Flannery looks confused for a moment before returning Slugma. She silently thanks it before taking out another ball.

"You have quite the way with fire-types. This is going to be interesting." She says. A smile spreads across my face. This is an interesting battle. Well, they do say 'fight fire with fire'. Flannery throws her ball out and a Numel appears on the ground. I mentally face-palm. What is it with all the freaking Numels? I have seen at least 6 in the last week!

"Numel use Lava Plume!" Flannery shouts. Numel glows red and a pillar of fire appears around it.

"Get away, Combusken." Combusken quickly jumps back, but I notice Flannery smirk.

"Use Earth Power!" Shoot! She had a plan all along! Small volcanoes erupt from the ground and unfortunately, Combusken is standing right over one. He yelps in pain as he is thrown through the air. He lands at Numel's feet and stands on one knee, the move having caused a lot of damage. Flannery copies the pose I used earlier. A scowl plasters itself on my face as Flannery calls out her next move.

"Close-range Lava Plume." Numel smiles smugly as it lets lose another lave pillar. Combusken skids backwards from the force and falls at my feet. I gasp and gently lift Combusken up. He smiles weakly.

"Hey, I tried." he says, shrugging. I give him a grateful smile.

"You were amazing. Get a good rest." I say comfortingly. I return him and grab another ball off my belt. I hurl it out, determination taking control of my mind.

"I'm counting on you!" I shout as Poochyena appears before me. She growls and takes a step forward.

"Let's do this." she barks.

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