Chapter 7

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I stared out the window of the most boring class. I can't for the life of me ever pay attention to it. Today is supposed to be the day Nekoma comes to play us and I've been so excited for it the whole day. I'm sure most of them I'll be able to become good friends with. I also heard that the captain is supposed to be really hot and a huge flirt. As long as he's not as bad as Oikawa-san I should be fine.

'Y/n!" the teacher yelled getting my attention," What is the answer?"

"Uh, 25," I said not knowing what he even asked.

"No that's not even close," The teacher shook his head," Talk to me after class."

Multiple people snickered throughout the class. My face heated up and I looked back out the window. Great, now the teacher thinks I'm stupid. After that the class went faster. I walked over to the teachers desk once everyone had left.

"Y/n what's happening?" The teacher asked as I reached his desk," You never seem to pay attention in class, but I can tell you're smart. You do good on my quizzes but can never answer my questions during class."

"I'm sorry sir," I apologized," I just have a hard time paying attention. I promise I'll work on it."

"Okay, I hope you will," He smiled at me," If you don't I will have to talk to your parents, but you're free to go."

I bowed to him and ran out of the room. My last class of the day. I really hope that Nekoma hasn't shown up yet. I threw open the door to the clubroom for girls. Kiyoko is still in here so I should be good. I let out a small breath of relief.

I walked over to my cubby next to Kiyoko," Hello Kiyoko-san."

"Hello Y/n," She smiled at me," What took so long?" She asked sweetly.

"Oh my teacher just kept me back because I don't pay attention," I grumbled as I put on my uniform.

"Oh well I'm sure you'll be fine," Kiyoko gave me a very bright smile.

I couldn't help but blush a little," Kiyoko do you realize how cute you are?"

She gave a small giggle," Thank you Y/n and I'm told quite a lot."

"I bet," I laughed as we walked out of the clubroom.

We didn't even get two feet before Noya-san and Tanaka-san were in front of us," Our beautiful goddesses we love the sound of your laughs," Noya yelled.

I laughed even more as they bowed at out feet," Please bless us more with your smiles," Tanaka added on.

I glanced over at Kiyoko who had a small blush and smile on her face. I nudged her a little and the smile went away. I raised my eyebrows at her with a smirk. She hit me lightly on the shoulder as we walked past the boys.

"Thank you senpais, but we must get through," I said as we walked past them.

We walked into the gym. Keishan was already in there with Takeda. I gave them both a wave and helped set up the net and grabbed the balls. The boys came in shortly after. They got stretched as we waited for the other team to show up.

Takeda waited outside with my brother. I think they are dating now. I've seen Keishan leave the shop with him multiple times. I'd be very proud of my brother is he was dating Takeda. They would be very cute together. They both entered again.

Takeda spoke up," They are here, come outside with us please."

We followed them out the door. Kiyoko and I stood next to Keishan and Takeda. The boys all stood in the usual line in front of the other team. I scanned the team. It doesn't look bad and I can see where they get their cat nickname. They all have small resemblances to cats. Especially one blonde boy with long hair. He seems quiet too.

I easily spot the captain. He looks like a rooster because of his hair. I stifled a giggle as I looked at him. He glanced over and quirked an eyebrow at me.

He looked back at Daichi and held out his hand," It's nice to meet you."

Daichi slowly took it," You too."

They both looked like they wanted to hurt each other. I heard Hinata take a loud gasp and looked over at him," I know you! You were the kid from earlier!"

"Yes I am," The kid answered in a bored tone.

"But how did you know that I was on the Karasuno team?" Hinata asked truly confused.

"Your shirt had Karasuno written on it."

"Ohhh, that makes sense," Hinata said after a second.

Everyone walked on together. I felt a small tap on my shoulder and turned around. I was face to face with the captain. Kuroo is his name. Now that I'm up close to him I can see why other girls think he is hot. He is pretty attractive when you get past the rooster hair. He's pretty toned too, you probably wouldn't guess he's a volleyball player just by looking at him.

"I saw you looking at me earlier," He smirked at me," Find me attractive do you?"

"No I just thought your hair makes you look like a rooster," I gave a small snicker.

"Wait, it does?" He played with his hair with a pouty face," Damn well I was hoping you thought I was cute. I was gonna ask for your number."

"Sure give me your phone, but I already can tell someone else would be better for you," I glanced over at the quiet one from earlier. He is looking at us with a jealous look.

He looked where I was looking and his face turned a little red," I guess you're right. It's just I don't want to mess it up," He handed me his phone.

"I'm sure you'd be fine if you just ask," I smiled at him," He definitely likes you."

He smiled as I handed him back his phone. He ran off to his team as I walked back over to my team. They were all looking at me confused. I don't know if they heard what we were saying or what.


"Did you just get asked out," Tanaka asked loudly," I will hurt him!"

"No! That's not what happened at all," I said," I was helping him out a little is all. No need to get jealous senpai."

Tanaka's face turned red as I said Senpai. I walked over to Kiyoko who looked a little jealous. I smiled at her and gave her a small nudge.

"I'm not gonna steal your mans," I said," Also just ask him out."

"Maybe now shush," She told me.

The game started shortly after. Hinata wasn't as nervous this time so he wasn't making a lot of mistakes. It's still clear though that we need work on our receives. One of the people needing the most work is Tsukishima. He isn't very good at receiving. It was a pretty close game over all. Nekoma had won but not by a lot. We definitely gave them a run for their money.

We bid the team good bye. We made a new friend and rival all in one day.


Hey my babies. Thank you for reading. I know it took me a while but I was unpacking my house and really busy with school. I will try and get more out soon. I hope you keep reading and enjoying my book. And I got a HisokaxReader that I just started so if you want to read that please do.

❤Author-Chan out❤

word count: 1305

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