I think I'm Okay

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"What are you doing down here?!" Riccardo booms through the basement.

"Oh, you know, just finding out everyone in the house is in the Mafia." I answer nonchalantly. 

"I'm guessing you want to ask a few questions." Alfonso says. 

I look around the room, all of them so clearly nervous of what I'm going to say. Larzo, Alfonso, Nonno and my uncles all waiting expectantly, Enrico, Marco and Riccardo keeping their emotionless face. But Blake looks scared. Anxiety and fear is all that come off of his face. 

"Why didn't you want to tell me?" I ask. 

All eyes turn to Alfonso who looks like he wants the ground to eat him whole. 

"Given what's happened in the last few days, I thought it would be a good idea to not tell you yet." 

"Thats fair. Why were you all down here having a meeting?" 

"Theres been some...things happening. We were discussing ways of protection for the family." Nonno vaguely replies. 

"What things?" 

"Nothing for you to worry about." Larzo tries to comfort. 

"If the family need to have more protection I think it is." I demand. 

"Well, in the mafia we have a lot of enemies. Those enemies found out about you being back home so there has been...threats made against you and the family." Giovanni explains.

"Is it the Russian Mafia?" All eyes snap towards me once again. 

"Why would you ask that?" Enrico asks me. All of them stand waiting for my answer.

"I saw the report about the family oil company and a Russian one. The one where it spoke of dad." Sadness consumes my family's eyes, the same with Blake's. 

"Yeah it is, and was, the Russians. They deal in illegal business that we have been trying to put a stop to for years, that started a rivalry which continued to a war. We killed those who killed your dad but the war never ended. Now they know the baby of the family is back, their threats have become more prominent." Franco explains to me. 

So the Russian Mafia want me to use against my family, The Italian Mafia. 


"That's all I have to ask." I tell them. "Okay then, go back to bed." Alfonso tells me. As I turn to leave they all shoot me loving smiles. All except Blake who's face is full of guilt. I leave the room and hear footsteps behind me. Not turning around because I know who it is, I go to my bedroom, leaving the door open for him to come in after me. 

I sit down on my bed and his body stands in the door way. His usual stone silver eyes holding regret. His perfect hair now replaced with what looks like bed head from the amount if times he ran his hand through it on the way upstairs. The sleeveless black tee he's wearing shows the tense muscles in his tattooed body. 

"So, leader of the American Mafia. Not gonna lie I should have seen that coming." I break the penetrating silence.

"I would have told you when your brothers did." He slowly starts his journey from the door to the bed. "It just didn't feel to right to do it when you didn't know about your family."

 "Does this, change, whatever this is between us?" He whispers as he sits down at the foot of the bed. 


His eyes look down at the ground as he picks himself up. He walks towards the floor dragging his hands and feet. 


He turn around at my voice. I make my way towards him and he makes no move to stop me. 

"Yes it changes it. But for the better." By now his hands are holding my cheeks and he looks down at me. 

"How can me being an heir to a mafia be for the better?" Chuckling I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. 

"Because now you know something about me I can trust you with, and you can do the same with me."

He smiles down at me while closing the gap between us. He brings his lips to mine, into a kiss with so many emotions. It is sweet and gentle. Kind and loving. Possessive yet protective. Allowing us to properly acknowledge the trust we have for one another. 

Pulling away he looks at me like I am the only girl in the world. His hand still firm on the back of my neck and waist. 

"We're going out tomorrow." He tells me. 

Raising my eyebrow. "Are we now?" 

Smirking he rests his forehead against mine. "I don't hear an objection in that." 

"Why object when it's something I want?" I rhetorically ask him. 

Chuckling slightly he kisses my forehead. "Go to sleep. You'll be getting headaches in the morning from your brothers." 

"Do you reckon they'll kill you?" I giggle. 

"I hope not. Took me long enough to convince Alfonso and Ezio I would protect you." 

My eye bulge out of their sockets. "Ezio knows and your still alive!?"

"He knew before Alfonso." He chuckles leaving my room. 

Guess you really do learn new things everyday. 

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