04 | Intoxicated

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"Where am I from?" He asks, a bit nervous.

I nod my head. He sounds nervous. I hope I didn't make him uncomfortable. 

My heart aches at the thought. 

"Well, it's a little complicated... but long story short, I'm from West of here."

"You're with that new group of students right? Are you all from the west?" I ask, curious and invested in him.

He smiles. "Yeah, uh, we all sort of knew each other out there." 

"Why'd you all move here? This area isn't exactly known for attracting newcomers," I joke. I'm spitting questions at him rapid fire, but I can't help it; I have to know him. 

"There was a pretty big flood where we're from, but a few of us have relatives down here who offered us a space to reside in until we get resettled. We couldn't really say no, given our situation," he laughs, tossing his gaze to the side before once again locking his eyes with mine.

His voice is hesitant, yet his words sound scripted. I don't quite believe what he told me, but he changes the subject before I can pry anymore.

"Are you from around here?"

"Not really," I say with a smile. "I live farther out than most students, more towards Falling Waters."

"Hey, that's near where we are!" He says, enthusiasm and curiosity in his voice.

It pleases me that he is so interested. 

"Oh, no way!" I say, leaning closer towards him before catching myself and drawing back again.

He quickly closes the space I had just left empty.

"I, um, have to take the bus since... since it's so far and... gas would cost too much," I say, breathless. 

He smirks. "Oh? That sounds like a hassle for you, Lanie. The bus can't be nice." His voice is soft and sweet as he speaks to me. I can't stop my heart from fluttering. 

At that moment the bell rings, and our teacher stands from his desk to begin the lesson. Naturally shy in class, I turn straight in my seat away from Bennett and open my notebook for class. My anxiety typically overrides most of my emotions.

But, just like at my locker, it's almost impossible to focus. His presence is so intoxicating...

And I can't help but feel like he's staring at me. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see that he is still turned towards me and leaning forward, just how I left him. Was it rude to turn away when class began? I feel a bit bad now. I hope I didn't hurt him.

Instead of taking notes, I doodle nonsense on my paper and try to make it look like I'm paying attention. As much as I would hate to get called out in class by the teacher, turning to face Bennett would probably be even more awkward. 

Although a bit embarrassed, I can't help but relish in his attention. 

He is so handsome, and so far he has been kind and friendly to me. His presence itself is so calming.

And that feeling I had when he first walked in the room... like water connected my heart to his... All I know is I need to be near him.

With how much my mind swirls full, the class goes by quicker than expected and luckily I don't get called on randomly in class.

It is only with the ring of the bell that I summon up the courage to look back at Bennett directly. He's still positioned just as he was the last time I checked on him, leaning close to me and eager to finish our conversation. 

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