Chapter 9

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I looked at the doctor in shock and panic. How did he know, that someone's under the bed?! Oh god, if he sensed Liebe, does it mean that others can to?! What now? Will he tell father? Will they force me to somehow chase Liebe away? Will they take him away from me, just to make me unhappy?

My breath quickened and tears welled up in my eyes. I don't want to part with Liebe!

"Oi, oi, oi, Asta-kun, calm down, there's nothing to stress about" - No, nothing at all. - "I have no intentions of telling anyone, and I know someone's there, because Yami-san taught me to sense Ki" he said quickly.

"What..." so many thoughts went through my head at once that I froze for a moment.

"Well, since you sensed me, I guess there's no point in hiding now" 

 The spirit flew from under the bed. The doctor looked at him, surprised, as if he didn't expect him to be a spirit.

"What are you? Are you the one that hurt Asta-kun?" the doctor asked suspiciously.

"No. I am Liebe, a spirit of antimagic"


"Who did you expect to meet anyway?" Liebe asked.

"That blonde guy that always comes to Asta-kun or Leopold, who's always snooping around your tower" - What? - "Now, can you explain?"


Explaining everything to the doctor, except the things I wanted to keep secret, like Langris and that wolf, took about fifteen minutes. Owen took it surprisingly well. He promised not to tell, under the condition that if I get hurt when training, I'll come to him.

After that he quickly examined me and said that I have heavily bruised ribs. His magic made them heal, but they're still gonna hurt.

"By the way, doctor, why is Father even here?" I asked, with a small bit of hope that he actually does care.

"Because he's worried" I felt such immense happiness that I cried like a small child. Well... In fact I am still a child. "Asta-kun, even if you think otherwise, your father loves you. Maybe he can't show it, but he does." I nodded to show that I know, but I still have doubts. But I don't want to think about that right now.

"Can you... If Noelle comes, can you not let her in?" I pleaded, petting Liebe, who sat down on my lap.

"Sure, but... Asta-kun, what happened between you two? You were so close..." he said sadly.

"I don't want to talk about that, doctor" I murmured, looking down.

"Alright. I won't push, but I'm here to listen" he smiled, which I mirrored.It's a bit sad, that a stranger shows more interest in me than my own Father.

But I partially understand him, I know why he doesn't want to have anything to do with me. It's not just because I don't have magic. I just took too much after my mother. After her death he could barely look at me, I did too. He's also overworked. As an heir to the Silva family, and as a captain of the Magic Knights, he has a crap ton of work. Additionally, he has to find himsefl someone that'll give him an heir, because I doubt anyone would allow that someone to be me. I pity him, because I know it's hard for him. I don't want to blame him for not having time for me, but sometimes it's difficult.

Liebe suddenly flew under the bed, which surprised me.

"Are you finished?" Father came into the room.

"Yes. Asta-san, lunch will be at twelve, please, eat everything. Goodbye, Nozel-sama"

"Goodbye" the doctor left, leaving me alone with Father.

Father came up to the bed and sat on the chair nearby.

"How was the examination?" he asked.

"Good... Everything's healing..."

"That's good..."

Neither of us knew what to say next. I decided to break the ice and began the conversation.

"How's work?" I asked, looking down at my hands.

"Good" wow, such a long response. I'm trying here, dammit!

"Do you have a lot of work?"


"Wouldn't you like to sleep a bit?" I proposed.

"No" he shook his head.

"You're going on a trip next week, right?" 

Please, answer with something more than just: "yes", or I will throw hands.

"Hm? Yes, we're going. Have you packed yet?" he asked, and I got speechless.


"What?" I choked out after a moment.


"Why would I pack?" I clarified.

"What do you mean: 'why'?" 

"I'm not going on the trip" I said, a bit irritated.

"You don't want to go?" he asked, looking a bit hurt.

"It's not that, but since when can I go on trips with you?" I was confused.

"I'll ask the maids to pack you"

Aha?! He just ignored my question. Now I should just get mad. But it's still better than him ignoring my entire existence.

"Who else is going?" I asked, looking at my nails, which suddenly seemed interesting.

"Us, Vermillions," everything's clear now. It's not that they want me there, it's that if they don't take me, aunt Mereleona and granny would beat Father so much, he wouldn't get back up. Last time he didn't want to take me on a trip with them, he went back for me a day after leaving with two bruised cheeks. "and the Vaude's"

Great, so I'm gonna meet with Langris. But what if he starts calling me names, or he wouldn't want to talk to me, as to not taint his reputation? What if Solid and Nebra make him bully me too? He... Wouldn't do that, would he? He said he hates people that change depending on the situation for benefits, so he wouldn't be such a hypocrite, right?

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