Perseus meets his match

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AN: The titan's curse arc has gone on far too long in this story, and with all the cut scenes and what not, I feel like everyone has just forgotten the titan's curse arc. I'm sorry, this will be the second last chapter of the titan's curse.

Responding to Reviews

In response to 'Robert Moucka': I agree.

In response to 'HellRaiderS': Thank you!

In response to "fugy': That's why I'm trying to keep it a secret, a surprise.

In response to the faithful 'Guest': Thank you for your continued support1

In response to 'AG23': Thank you!

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Perseus meets his match

Ascension of the Fallen: Chapter 17

Thalia let out a deep breath, attempting to steady herself despite her tingling senses.

Before her stood the infamous former home of the titans.

Mount Orthys.

Thousands of feet tall, it towered above them menacingly, casting an ominous, dark presence over the group. Although there was no one besides them, she could feel multiple eyes upon them. The daughter of Zeus touched her necklace, sending a prayer to her patron.

Almost immediately, she felt the calming presence of Perseus wash over her, instilling a new confidence in her.

She studied the group. Annabeth's eyes were wide with fear, and Thalia pulled the ten-year-old closer, hugging her.

Zoe's eyes were almost unreadable, but Thalia could see a hint of fear through them, even if Zoe herself would never admit it. Her body language was tense, and she fidgeted slightly in place, something that the daughter of Zeus had never seen from the ancient huntress before.

Celyn and Phoebe each gave her a hug. Thalia moved forward to the daughter of Atlas, feeling a strange sense of confidence to do so.

Even though the two girls had never been close, Thalia gave her a hug, knowing the origins of the former Hesperide. She accepted the hug, and Thalia felt the confidence of Perseus flow from Thalia to her.

Zoe straightened herself in response, no longer nervous. Her face changed into a mask of determination. Nothing would stop her, not even her death on this very mountain. The huntress nodded her head.

"Let's go."

They continued their final trek up the mountainside, steep though it was.

Thalia took a deep breath, pulling herself over the hilltop. She felt her breath hitch as she gasped in shock at the beauty of the garden.

Just about every species of plant, both mythical and mortal resided happily within the garden. The Garden of the Hesperides was filled to the brim with flowers, shrubs, and trees that molded perfectly to each other to create a perfect portrait of serenity. Countless flowerbeds littered the vast expanse and hundreds of streams weaved in and out of the groves of trees that were spread throughout the famed garden.

Suddenly, a thick fog covered the entirety of the garden,

The moment the group of girls reached the base of the hill, they were greeted by four women. Gorgeously beautiful, they could each pass easily for Zoe. Caramel skin and glassy black eyes with dark black hair that tumbled loose around their shoulders, they were gorgeously beautiful that even Thalia became a little jealous.

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