Chapter 21

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"Uh . . ." I said. "I'm going to need some time to think about that."

"It isn't that hard, Jackson!" Nyx hissed. "I'm doing you a favor! Just join my side!"

"Why do you want me to join your side all of a sudden?" I asked.

"I don't have to answer your question," Nyx snarled. "Are you too dumb to choose?"

"Hey!" I exclaimed, offended. "Sorry that it's hard for me to betray my friends and family."

"They won't be your family anymore if you join me," she said ominously. "You could take revenge on the gods."

"They've gotten better," I argued. It occurred to me that I shouldn't be standing up to a primordial, but I felt the need to defend them. "You know what? I've chosen."

"Great!" Nyx crowed. "Together, we can take down Olympus—"

"Whoa, whoa there," I interrupted. "I didn't tell you what choice I chose."

A long pause ensued, as though I had taken Nyx off guard. Then, all the shadows slowly melted into one spot in front of me, letting the lights uncover the room, which was a conference room of sorts, with one big table that was at least a mile long and hundreds of chairs. 

Before I could blink, the shadows morphed into a human form and disappeared, depositing an extremely beautiful and pale woman a few feet on front of me. She was in her mid-twenties, and had a beautiful long and dark silk dress on. Her eyes were pitch black, and were cold enough to freeze the sun.

Nyx walked closer to me, only stopping when I could feel her breath on my face. I tried to move backward, but it was as though I had lost control over my body, leaving me only to stare at her uneasily, unsure of what she was going to do.

"You don't want to side with me?" Her dark eyes scanned me, as though she was studying my emotions. She spoke in a soft voice that had a dangerous hint to it, warning me to answer carefully.

I nodded in answer, not knowing if I could speak without stuttering in fear. Her aura was overwhelming me like a thick blanket.

"Why not?" Her eyes were as sharp as swords. 

I swallowed nervously. "I'm not—I'm not going to fight for you."

Nyx groaned and stepped back, allowing me to once again breath normally. "I know that, idiot. Why don't you want to side with me, even though I threatened you with death?"

She seemed genuinely curious, as though I was a mystery she couldn't solve. She probably had used this strategy to recruit people in the past; it was a very effective one.  

"Look, everybody has a drive to do something. You want to destroy the Olympians since they've caused you an interminable amount of trouble. The same way, I have the drive to never hurt my friends or family. The easiest way to do that is to stay on their side. Now, I know this probably won't work, but can you please not kill me or do anything to Atlantis? I'd prefer to stay alive and not try to win an impossible fight."

Nyx just stared at me in shock, while I shifted uneasily. Then, faster than I could react, she was in front of my again, but this time put her hand on my forehead. It was as cold as ice, and before I could flinch, I was transported into another area. Or, more specifically, I was cast into a daydream of some sorts.

The area was a dark, flat plain of nothingness, making me immediately figure out what was going on.

I yelled, "Chaos!"

The man is question then appeared in front of me, scratching his head nervously. He was wearing a full suit, making him seem as though he was confused, rather than scared of what I was going to do.

I was relieved to see a friendly face, but it soon turned into anger. I marched up to him and punched him on the shoulder. And it wasn't a friendly one either.

Chaos yelped in pain then rubbed his shoulder, glaring at me. "What was that for?"

I then glared at him, making Chaos' mad expression change into a scared one, satisfying me. 

"What do you mean, 'what was that for?' " I asked. "You know as well as me!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know this was going to happen!" 

All I needed to see was his face to know he was lying. 

"All I want is a break!" I exclaimed. "Just give me a week! Then I'll do your bidding!"

"Didn't the last—"

"The three months don't count! I was doing quests the whole time." I started pacing around, trying to control my anger. "Why do you immortals always want me to do your bidding? Aren't two wars enough? Not to mention all the other countless quests? Get another hero!" I stopped pacing and turned to Chaos, who had an ashamed look on his face. "I'm done ranting. You can send me back. I'll try to stop Nyx." 

I faced away from him, afraid to see Chaos' reaction to my words. Would he be angry at me? 

"You're right."

I whipped back around, thinking that I misheard him. But his face told me I didn't.

"You have been through too much," Chaos said with a sigh. "I'm sorry. I keep on thinking that everybody's as earnest as me to maintain the universe." His eyes held so much sadness that all of my remaining contempt disappeared. "I guess I'm not very good at making people happy while maintaining order." Chaos lowered his head. "I'll send you back. Enjoy your life while it lasts. I'm sorry." 

His voice cracked on the last two words, right before I was sent back into real life. Nyx was nowhere in sight and the door was open to the empty and silent hallway.

I was shocked. Chaos had taken my ranting more serious than I had expected, showing he actually cared.

I tightened my hands into fists. I was going to apologize to Chaos, no matter what it took.

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