I Need a Favor

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She hadn't spoken to any of the students, but she wanted to. There were a few that had taken the initiative to talk to her, but they had all found her awkward and hard to talk to. It was given. Every conversation she had ever been in was one-sided. They spoke to her, but she never spoke back. She wanted to, but she couldn't.

Sure, she could reply with vague gestures, and written notes, but kids could only go so long without being irritated with her.

Some kids even hated her. They hated the exceptions she was given. Each presentation or speech, she was allowed to just make the slides, and post her words for them to read. To other children, she was only an inconvenience.

Hence her situation now. A girl Reese had only seen a few times had pushed her up against the back of the stairwell, threatening her.

"Fucking transfer, you stupid mute." She growled, pressing her forearm against Reese's neck.

Reese couldn't scream. She couldn't holler for help, or scream at the girl to stop. The only thing that escaped her unused throat were soft whimpers or gasps.

She couldn't breathe.

Hurriedly she signed the girl's name. "Amanda! Stop!" Her hand motions were rushed, expressing her urgency. "I can't breathe. I'm sorry!"

Amanda furrowed her brows, her blue eyes cold. "I don't understand your hand words, mute. You're annoying as hell!" She pressed against Reese's throat harder. "Just transfer into a different English class! I'm sick of seeing your dumbass face!"

Reese clenched her eyes shut, willing herself to do something. Anything.

Reese lifted her foot, kicking Amanda in the shin. Amanda rushed to grasp her leg, squirming in pain. Reese had paused, just above Amanda, debating whether or not to help her up. She felt bad. She knew she shouldn't have, but she did.

Reese jumped when Amanda had snapped her head up to face her, an ugly snarl painted on her pretty face.

"You bitch!" She hollered, wobbling after Reese.

Reese nearly fell over, bumping into a man in the hall.

"Woah, there, Reese!" He smiled. "What are you in such a hurry for?" It was Reese's assistant principal, Mr. Harenbarger.

Reese frantically pointed to her neck, which was sure to be red and swollen, and then at Amanda who turned the corner, clearly disheveled and angry.

Mr. Harenbarger frowned and reached for his walkie-talkie. "I'm going to need both of you to my office. Now."

Reese nodded and made sure to walk beside him, so he could keep an eye on her at all times, sure to keep her distance from the angry blonde.

"I have two student's in the literature wing who apparently got into an altercation. I'm bringing them my office now, excuse their next classes absences, please. There names are Reese Sigil and..." He turned to Amanda, prompting her to spill her name.

"Amanda." She spat, crossing her arms.

Mr. Harenbarger narrowed his eyes, and Amanda lowered her arms, looking away.

"Amanda Orenoy. I'm a junior." She confessed.

Mr. Harenbarger spoke into his walkie-talkie once more. "The second student is Amanda Orenoy." He looked to both of girls, shaking his head. The disappointment on his face was impossibly recognizable.

"You girls are in a whole load of trouble."


Mr. Harenbarger crossed his arms as he sat back in his chair, eyeing both of the girls carefully.

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