Chapter 16

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Mrs. Weasley stood up off the couch, and Ron and Hermione immediately took her place so they could sit next to Harry. "Hermione dear, it's getting awfully late, why don't you just stay the night."

She smiled up at her, "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

Arthur and Dumbledore too got up from their seats. "If you kids need anything, we'll just be in the kitchen." They all nodded and immediately started in on a more uplifting conversation. Mrs. Weasley smiled as she watched Harry visibly relax and lean into Hermione's touch as she ran her fingers through his hair. Ron had his arms wrapped protectively around the shoulders of his two friends. Those three really were inseparable.

She followed her husband and the professor into the kitchen, closing the door behind her. "You really aren't going to let those muggles go free are you professor?" she heard her husband ask.

"No, I am most certainly not." He replied. "I promised Harry that this matter would not be taken to court, and I intend to keep that promise. However, there are other ways in which I can make the Dursley's lives an unpleasant one." The glint in the old man's eyes immediately told her that she did not want to know the details of what he had planned.

"We leave the matter in your hands." She went over to the stove starting to make some tea, before changing her mind. Perhaps the children would like some hot chocolate instead... with a flick of her wand, the proper ingredients started to fly off the shelves and started mixing themselves together.

Dumbledore turned to Arthur, "Once I get back to my office, I will send over some paperwork for you to sign so that you can become Harry's legal guardians until he turns 17. I am also going to send a letter to Sirius to let him know what has transpired." He accepted the cup of coco from Molly and took a long sip, "Absolutely delicious." After draining the cup, he stood up from the table. "Well, I must be going. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you all as we get this mess sorted out. Thank you both for taking such good care of Harry when I was not able to myself."

"It's no trouble at all," Arthur assured the man. "Harry is a part of the family; we love him just like we do the rest of our children."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, "I am so glad to hear you say that. Good evening." With that, he walked over to the fireplace and flooed back to his office.

Molly let out a sigh and sat down across from her husband. The events of the last three days were finally catching up to her. "Today's been a long day..."

Arthur chuckled and reached across the table to take her hand. "I know it has dear, but things are finally moving in the right direction."

She nodded and stood up, "Help me take these mugs to the children." He held the door for her as she picked up the tray. "Would you all like some hot cho..." the scene that met her eyes made her heart swell with joy.

The couches and chairs had been completely abandoned. All of the kids had curled up in a huge dog pile on the rug in front of the fireplace and were now fast asleep. Fred and George were on the outsides of the pile, protectively wrapping themselves around the younger children. Ginny had curled herself into Fred's chest as he had an arm draped over her shoulder. Ron and Hermione were tightly wrapped around Harry, who was in the very center of the heap of limbs.

Arthur chuckled as he magicked Harry's glasses off of his nose so that they wouldn't get crushed. "These crazy kids..."

Molly set down the tray and brought some blankets in from the other room. She slowly levitated them over the bodies of the teenagers, before letting them drop down on top of them. "I wouldn't have it any other way..."

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry this one was kinda short.)

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